New Educational Approaches and Opportunities Jane Harris NHS Education for Scotland
NHS Education for Scotland We are a national health board responsible for education, training and workforce development for those who work in and with NHSScotland We have a Scotland-wide role in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development. Our mission is to provide education that enables excellence in health and care for the people of Scotland.
Transforming Education Transforming Services Transforming Roles Transforming Education To ensure nationally consistent, sustainable & progressive nursing roles and career pathways
Think about your future ‘career pathway’…. What would perfect education and development look like for you ?
Education and continuing professional development Clear pathways from registration to advanced/ consultant practice Relevant to level and area of practice Future focused Flexible and accessible Lifelong learning & development
Education and Career Pathway model Level of practice 5 6 7 8
National Health and Social Care Workforce plan: Part 3 ‘Integrated community nursing teams will play a key role in planning, providing, managing, monitoring and reviewing care, building on current roles and best practice to meet the requirements of people with more complex health and care needs in a range of community settings’. ‘Nationally consistent approaches to roles and educational preparation for advanced nursing practice, district nurses, general practice nurses, health visitors and school nurses are supporting the development of these integrated teams’. Chapter Four: Planning and Developing the Multidisciplinary Workforce – Nursing and Midwifery
Scottish Government investment £3 million to train an additional 500 ANPs £3 million over three years into training and education needs of general practice nursing £3.9 million over three years into training and education needs of district nurses to help sustain a 24/7 community nursing workforce.
Undergraduates Early Career Mid Career Later Career All stages NES working with stakeholders to provide opportunities across the career pathway Undergraduates Early Career Mid Career Later Career All stages
3 Year Plan General Practice Nursing Education 2018 – 2021 Placements for Undergraduate student nurses Development of learning resources Training places for Newly Qualified Nurses Education and CPD Clinical Career Fellowships Coaching TURAS Appraisal Return to Practice
District Nursing Education 2018 – 2021 3 Year Plan Education and CPD Access to modules for community staff nurses Digital learning resources Additional places Postgraduate Diploma District Nursing Leadership development Return to Practice
New model of education for the integrated adult community nursing team This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Level 7 Advanced Practitioner Manifesto commitment 500 additional ANPs across different care settings - Established process in place: Services needs analysis (identify need and numbers) Education needs analysis (educational requirements for individual nurses) 3 regions ‘AP Academy model’ - Clinical supervision in place to support ANPs
6 Transforming Roles Publications CNO Directorate Paper 6 Due for Publication 6 Paper 6 General Practice Nursing Transforming Roles Publications CNO Directorate