train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event1 DECENTRALISED SECTORAL APPROACHES?
train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event2 Opportunities and challenges Policy and planning processes: Deepen understanding of sector policies at district level (incl. Councils) Develop/strengthen mechanisms for districts to be represented in sector policy dialogues (JRMs, MTEF discussions…) Clarify functional assignments and linkages CG - LG functions + ensure consistency across sectors
train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event3 Opportunities and challenges Policy and planning processes: Clarify financing of functions: now/future; recurrent/local devt… Ensure consistency: Formulae across sectors overall pattern of resource allocation; Avoid proliferation of CG-LG financing mechanisms
train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event4 Opportunities and challenges MTEF and budget preparation: Sector ceilings within district ceilings? District MTEF/budget process to include sectors OR District ceilings within sector ceilings? Sector MTEF/budget process to include districts… CALENDAR… Steps, inputs (ceilings), outputs (draft and final MTEFs and budgets) for 2007…
train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event5 Opportunities and challenges Accountability & performance monitoring: Who fixes which targets + consistency with national objectives Streamline « performance contracts » & all reporting & monitoring mechanisms! Ensure upward accountability mechanisms also strengthen local accountability… E.g.: Accountability to District Council: local financing only, or all District activities? Who is in charge of consistency in approaches across sectors?
train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event6 Opportunities and challenges Capacity Development: Clarify responsibilities: sectors, MINALOC, HIDA, RALGA Coordination/complementarity… Sector annual CD plans Decentralisation CD plans (& basket fundings…) If progression (greater capacity greater autonomy): who is responsible for assessment?
train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event7 Opportunities and challenges Devt Partners: Do no harm… Avoid new separate financing mechanisms Support « mapping » of interventions overall pattern of resource flows?
train4dev Training for Development April-June 2006SWAP Joint Learning Event8 Opportunities and challenges Avoid rigidifying systems too early BUT Be clear about rationale for changes and avoid too frequent changes…