Florida Science Olympiad Mike McKee State Director
Philosophy of Science Olympiad Improve quality of science education. Create a passion for science learning. Provide recognition for achievement. Started in 1983 Now over 14,000 teams
Structure of Science Olympiad Consist of 15 students, one coach. Maximum of 7 seniors on division C. Maximum of 5 freshmen on division B. All students must be from home school. Can have as many separate teams as you want – but must have separate registration for each. Registration fee of $235/$270 per team.
Types of Events Lab based Research based events Prebuilt events
The Events: Division B. Air Trajectory Anatomy & Physiology BioProcess Lab Bottle Rocket Bridge Building Crave the Wave Crime Busters Disease Detectives Dynamic Planet Elastic Launched Glider Experimental Design Green Generation Food Science Fossils Invasive Species Meteorology Mission Possible Picture This Reach for the Stars Road Scholar Scrambler Wind Power Write It, Do It
The Events: Division C Air Trajectory Anatomy & Physiology Astronomy Bridge Building Cell Biology Chemistry Lab Disease Detectives Dynamic Planet Electric Vehicle Experimental Design Forensics Fossils Game On Geologic Mapping Green Generation Hydrogeology Its About Time Invasive Species Protein Modeling Robot Arm Wind Power Wright Stuff Write It, Do It
Photonic Science and Engineering B.S. in Photonic Science & Engineering Crave the Wave Experimental Design - B Experimental Design - C
Correlation of Science Olympiad with State Standards. The 2008 State standards for 6-8 and 9-12 have been correlated to the events for the Florida Science Olympiad.
Regionals Teams compete in one of 7 regionals Top 3 + 1 + % go to state 42 teams per division 1 - 2 teams to Nationals Open regional policy
Organizing a team Have students select their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, favorite events Each student will do 3-4 events Try to place student in as many of their favorite events Check the schedule for conflicts TEAM can only compete in each event 1 time.
Organizing a team Try to do mini competitions at school Select the best on Team A, and then Team B can be made of runner ups. If multiple teams, can’t switch between the two on the day of the competition. Alternates can’t pop on and off team on day of competition
Organizing a team Students don’t have to stick connected to each other throughout the day. Review the rules carefully – bolds are changes Rules change and can be complex Binders are allowed for some events Check the scoring carefully
Events and Scoring
Scheduling Conflicts Event Open to Public? 09:00 to 09:50 C - Air Trajectory YES Impound Self Schedule C - Anatomy & Physiology 01-07 08-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 C - Astronomy C - Bridge Building C - Cell Biology C - Chemistry Lab C - Disease Detectives All Teams C - Dynamic Planet C - Electric Vehicle C - Experimental Design C - Forensics C - Fossils C - Game On C - GeoLogic Mapping C - Green Generation C - Hydrogeology C - Invasive Species C - It's About Time C - Protein Modeling C - Robot Arm C - Wind Power C - Wright Stuff C - Write It Do It
Scheduling Conflicts Event Open to Public? 09:00 to 09:50 B - Air Trajectory YES Impound Self Schedule B - Anatomy & Physiology 01-07 08-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 B - BioProcess Lab B - Bottle Rockets B - Bridge Building B - Crave the Wave B - Crime Busters B - Disease Detectives All Teams B - Dynamic Planet B - Elastic Launch Glider B - Experimental Design B - Food Science B - Fossils B - Green Generation B - Invasive Species B - Meteorology B - Mission Possible B - Picture This B - Reach for the Stars B - Road Scholar B - Scrambler B - Wind Power B - Write It Do It
Impounding This is found in the rules at the top and will show "Impound: Yes." Events that state they must be impounded require that a student from the team drop off the prebuilt device in the morning before all the event time blocks begin. The event supervisor will inspect the device for construction violations and then the students will return at their assigned time to compete with the device. This is designed to prevent teams from seeing what others have done and then make last minute modifications that would benefit a team that may be competing later in the day.
Impounding Air Trajectory (B/C) Protein Modeling (C) Electric Vehicle (C) Scrambler (B) It’s About Time (C) Wind Power (B/C) Mission Possible (B) (State)
KEEP IN MIND If there is a conflict with information in the rules, the official rules ALWAYS take precedent!
Student preparations For research based events – have students organize their binders WELL. This should be done in advance. For lab based events – have students act as a teacher! For build events – build, test, break, redesign.
Bright House Bright Ideas At the Central Florida Regional and the State Tournament, teams of 2 students have the chance to earn cash prizes for their Bright House Bright Idea. This is open to Division C Teams and think of this like a "Shark Tank" event! mike@floridascienceolympiad.org | www.floridascienceolympiad.org
Parents Observe – yes Cheer on – yes Do – no Help – no Walk into rooms – no Arbitrate – no Pretend they are doing the event in an effort to relive childhood – no
The Code of Conduct Student participants are expected to compete in tournament events with an honest effort to follow the rules and the spirit of that competition. The goal of competition is to give one’s best effort while displaying honest, integrity, and sportsmanship. Students, coaches, parents, and guests are expected to display courtesy and respect toward Olympiad officials, other teams, and guests of the Olympiad. Failure to show honesty and/or courtesy by a participant, coach or guest of the team may result in disqualification of the team from that event, the entire tournament or future tournaments.
Competitions and Training Regional Tournaments: January, February 2016 Orlando (LNHS), Tampa (HCC) , Boca Raton (FAU), Lake City (FGC), Pensacola (UWF), Ft. Myers , Daytona (Embry Riddle) State Tournament: March 19, 2016 University of Central Florida National Tournament: May 2016 University of Wisconsin, Stout Teachers PD: November 2015 – Date on Website
For more information… Mike McKee mike@floridascienceolympiad.org www.floridascienceolympiad.org eso.floridascienceolympiad.org