May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Presentation Summarizing Contribution on TV Whitespace Coexistence Matrix and Use Cases Date: 2009-05-17.


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Presentation transcript:

May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Presentation Summarizing Contribution on TV Whitespace Coexistence Matrix and Use Cases Date: 2009-05-17 Authors: Slide 1 Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Abstract Propose modification to the co-existence matrix May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Abstract Propose modification to the co-existence matrix Suggest an additional element of “network operation/ownership” to be considered as part of a use case Provide detailed analysis of 2 use cases Campus (i.e. college campus, suburban mall, etc.) Large apartment building Slide 2 Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Whitespace Coexistence Matrix May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Whitespace Coexistence Matrix 802.11 802.15 802.16 802.22 GSM WCDMA CDMA2000   UWB Blue Tooth Other Low Power High Power Macro Cells Femto Cells Macro Cell Femto Cell CDMA 2000 *Protected devices, as defined by the FCC are not listed. They are protected by procedures specified by the FCC. **This Table is meant to be Representative, not complete ***It is Likely that a similar analysis be done for OFCOM, Industry Canada, Netherlands Antilles, etc. rules Full Coexistence Without Cooperation Partial Coexistence Without Cooperation Coexistence Requires Cooperation Slide 3 Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Observations from the Matrix May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Observations from the Matrix It would appear that in general different technologies cannot co-exist except through sufficient geographical separation UWB is an exception However, this depends on an underlying assumption of passive co-existence In some cases, the notion of an active coexistence enabler is not unreasonable For example if a single operator of a heterogeneous network is provided such a device Our use-case study needs to address such possibilities In particular, we should differentiate between co-existence between networks operated by different entities and co-existence of network operated by the same entity We examine two scenarios which make illustrate this point Slide 4 Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

The Campus Use Case May 2009 Key aspects of this Use Case doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 The Campus Use Case Key aspects of this Use Case Presence of macro-coverage Cellular providers Fixed WWAN (Wimax) Potentially high density of 100mW devices WiFi networks (per store, department, etc.) WiFi hot-spots Femto-cells 40 mW devices Microphones Presence of a single coordinating entity Campus owner Mall owner This entity may Own and sublease all or part of the network Impose constraints and requirements on network operations by individual operators Slide 5 Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

The Apartment Building Use Case May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 The Apartment Building Use Case Key aspects of this Use Case Presence of macro-coverage Cellular providers Fixed WWAN (Wimax) Potentially high density of 100mW devices WiFi networks (per store, department, etc.) WiFi hot-spots Femto-cells 40 mW devices Microphones Each apartment potentially an independent network May use different broadband/cellular/femto-cell providers No ability to coordinate WiFi usage (except maybe direct human goodwill) Slide 6 Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Cellular Provider Use of Whitespace May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Cellular Provider Use of Whitespace Voice (4W or low power Whitespace frequencies) Femtocell (low power Whitespace frequencies Internet (4W or low power Whitespace frequencies) VOIP (4W or low power Whitespace frequencies) Two Different Cellular Providers Different WS Channels Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

WiFi Provider Use of Whitespace May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 WiFi Provider Use of Whitespace Home (low power Whitespace frequencies) Enterprise (low power Whitespace frequencies) WiFi Hotspot (low power Whitespace frequencies) Internet Access (low power Whitespace frequencies) VOIP (low power Whitespace frequencies) Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Fixed WWAN (WiMAX, 802.22) Provider Use of Whitespace May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Fixed WWAN (WiMAX, 802.22) Provider Use of Whitespace Voice (low power Whitespace frequencies) VOIP (low power Whitespace frequencies) Internet (low power Whitespace frequencies) Suburban (4W Database) Rural (4W Database) Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Local TV Broadcast WS TV Broadcast (4W Database) May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Local TV Broadcast WS TV Broadcast (4W Database) Non-802 Protocols (4W Database or low power Whitespace frequencies) TV Broadcaster Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Microphone Provider Use of Whitespace May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Microphone Provider Use of Whitespace Voice (low power Whitespace frequencies) Non-802 Protocols (low power Whitespace frequencies) Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

Conclusions Made comments to the matrix May 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0010r0 May 2009 Conclusions Made comments to the matrix Presented 2 use cases (see our text for more detail) Propose that the notion of a “operating entity” is an important factor in considering a use case. Richard Paine, Self; Mark Cummings, EnVia; Alex Reznik, Interdigital Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm