Slide Deck D: 2018 Federal Budget Breakdown
The Federal Government’s Budget Every February or March, the federal government releases its budget for the next year. The 2018 Budget was presented on February 27, 2018. Every year the federal government also releases an update on the budget numbers in the fall. The Government of Canada’s Fall Economic Statement will be released on November 21, 2018.
2018 Expenditures & Revenue The 2018 federal budget projected expenditures for 2018-2019 to be $338.5 billion. The federal budget projected the amount of revenue for 2018-2019 to be $323.4 billion.
Surplus or Deficit? Based on the project 2018 revenues and expenditures, will the Government of Canada have a surplus or a deficit?
The deficit and our debt In the February 2018 budget, the federal government was projecting a deficit of $15.1 billion for this fiscal year. To cover this gap, the federal government will borrow money and this amount will be added to the government’s debt. The federal government’s debt is currently estimated to be $669.6 billion.
Breakdown of Expenditures
Breakdown of Revenue Sources