Project Cribs
Project Cribs – What is it? In Project Cribs we will design our own dream house, and calculate the volume and area. The best cribs with the most accurate calculations will be mounted on posterboard and hung up for display. Dream Big!
Schedule Day 1: Brainstorming Day 2: Learning perimeter, area, volume Day 3: Learn scale drawing & produce blueprint of first floor Day 4: Blueprint second & third floor Day 5: Calculation and Summary
Sample Crib Front View
Rear View
2cd Floor
3rd Floor
Day 3 Objectives OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to accurately draw a scaled representation of the first floor of their house on graph paper.
How to Start Graphing 1). Make a key (example: one square = 5ft) 2). Use the perspective of looking down on the house and do one floor at a time. No side views until later. 3). Start with one room! 4). Think of what is connected to that room 5). Draw in signs for doors and windows (use architectural key in your packet) 6). Remember: this is an actual house you are living in. So, the kitchen should be near the dining room. The bathrooms should be near the bedroom. The enterance should have a hall or foyer….etc.
Drawing on Graph Paper - Draw neatly! Use a ruler! - Go slowly! - Don’t be afraid to make a couple of copies! The creative process is one of constant improvement. (In Japanese “Kaizen”).
Keys and Scale 1). A scale compares the size of the object drawn to the real object. 2). The “scale ratio” is usually contained in a blueprint key. 3). When drawing on graph paper, a typical scale for a house is 1 square = 5ft per side (1:5). Small houses can go 1:1 or 1:2. Large should go 1:10. 4). This means that every square on the graph paper is 5ft in real life.
Scale Problem. Assuming a scale of 1 square = 5ft per side: Watch me: 1). Draw a square that is 10 feet per side Do Independently: 2). Draw a square that is 20 feet per side 3). Draw a rectangle that is 30 feet by 60 feet. If the scale is 1 square = 10 feet 4). Draw a square that is 50 feet per side.
Let’s Try Together
By the end of today… Everyone should have a blueprint for their first floor done to scale!
Day 4 Objective Everyone should have a blueprint for their second floor done to scale!
Day 4 Considerations Now you are drawing the second floor of your dream crib. Keep in mind: 1). The second story cannot be larger than the first. Mushroom buildings are very unusual, and not typically stable. 2). All stairways on the first floor must match with stairways on the second floor. 3). If you need to, redraw floor 1. The process of perfection takes time and patience!
Day 5 Finish all drawings and start the calculations!