EL Programs Budget Training LD South
Choose one fill in the blank: EL Budget development is like baseball because EL Budget development is like dancing because… EL Budget development is like a wedding because…
BUDGET DEVELOPMENT Title III / TSP Program 2018 - 2019
Purpose of Title III Funds 7T197 Provide high quality language instruction to increase English Proficiency Scientific research based instructional programs to help increase English proficiency and student achievement in the core academic subjects Provide high quality professional development to teachers, administrators, and other school and community based personnel
Professional Development Requirements Sufficient intensity and duration to have a positive and lasting impact on the teacher’s performance in the classroom To improve instruction and assessment of LEPs (ELs) To enhance the ability of teachers to understand and use: Curricula Assessment measures Instructional strategies The program also has specific requirements regarding Professional Development The professional development Must be of sufficient intensity and duration to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers’ performance in the classroom. Programs must be designed to: improve the instruction and assessment of LEP students designed to enhance the ability of teachers to understand and use curricula, assessment measures, and instructional strategies
Who is it for? The District receives Title III (Federal) funds to provide supplemental direct services to limited English proficient (LEP) students, also known as English Learners (ELs) These funds must be used to provide direct services to ELs above and beyond the core program requirements as outlined in the United States Code (USC) and California Education Code (EC). The supplemental funds received from Title III may NOT be used to supplant the District’s general funds.
2018-2019 Program and Budget handbook
Allowable expenditures for 7T197 Budget at a Glance Pg. 20 - 22 Certificated Training Rate Classified training rate Contracted Instructional Services EL Instructional coach, Elementary/Secondary Mileage Non-Tutor Teacher X Time Parent Conference Attendance Teacher Assistant Relief Teacher Release Day/Hrs. Teacher X Time (Tutor)
SSC ELAC Process for approval Budget Development Present the budget to ELAC. Members will make recommendations to School Site Council. SSC will either approve and/or make recommendations toward the budget. Documentation must be kept at the school site for minimum of FIVE years. School Site creates the SPSA, including all the proper expenditures for English Learners.
Required documentation ELAC SSC Sign-In Agenda Minutes Recommendation Form Sign-in Agenda Minutes Respond Form
ELAC Recommendation Form Must have ELAC Chairperson Signature
SSC Response to ELAC Recommendations Must obtain signature from the SSC Chairperson
Questions will help in developing the budget for English Learners - TSP Is the plan clearly designed to: directly support ELs in acquiring English language development? (e.g. intervention for students not meeting CELDT proficiency over time) address the academic needs of EL, low income, or foster youth students who are at risk of not achieving proficiency in ELA or Math? address EL, low income, or foster youth student engagement issues such as absenteeism or dropping out of school? address climate/culture issues such as the suspension or expulsion of EL, low income, or foster youth students? Here are some of the questions that will help in developing the budget for TSP program 10183
Questions will help in developing the budget for English Learners - TSP If supplemental materials and/or equipment are being purchased, is it clearly describe how the materials and/or equipment will support the academic achievement of ELs or at-risk students? If positions are being funded, does it clearly describe how the positions will provide direct support to EL, low income, or foster youth students? (e.g., plan intervention, monitor progress in academics) If general supplies are being purchased, is a rationale provided? If clerical and/or custodial overtime is being funded, is a rationale provided? Are all the proposed expenditures on the list of allowable LCAP expenditures?
Single Plan For Student Achievement (SPSA) Development 2018-2019
EL Programs Requirements
Updates to Completing the SPSA Goal Pages 100% Graduation Language Arts Mathematics English Learners Program Culture & Climate Social Emotional Data Analysis & Key Findings Must Complete Focus Area: Lesson Planning, Data Analysis and PD Optional* Must Complete at least one focus Area Effective Classroom Instruction Intervention during and after school Building Parent Capacity Complete if any other Focus Area above is addressed Complete if any other focus area above is addressed *Completion of Focus Area based on data analysis and school instructional needs
EL Programs Updates Flexibility for EL Programs Goal Page All Title I schools that have at least 1 English Learner enrolled at their school site must complete the EL Programs Goal page. Schools need to indicate key findings from the data analysis and identify underlying issues related to the key findings for EL Programs. Schools must address at least 1 Focus Area indicated below, that the school determines, best meets the academic needs of EL students, based on the data analysis: -Lesson Planning, Data Analysis and PD -Effective Classroom Instruction -Intervention During and After School
EL Programs Updates - Continued Flexibility for EL Programs Goal Page Schools must complete the Building Parent Capacity Focus Area. Schools must address Designated ELD Instruction as part of their strategy. Schools must address Integrated ELD in other Academic Goal Areas that are completed by the school (100% Graduation, ELA, and Math)
SPSA Development Summary (EL) School Type EL Goal Page (Designated ELD) Other Goal Pages (Integrated ELD) TSP Plan LCAP Plan Title I Schools Yes No Non-Title I school (No Title III funding allocation) Non-Title I School (Title III funding allocation) Yes* Affiliated Charter (Title I) Affiliated Charter (Non-Title I) Simplified SPSA development process. See next slide.
Non-Title I Schools (with Title III Funding) Non-Title I schools with a Title III allocation need to complete the following SPSA components of the online SPSA: School Identification Recommendations and Assurances Funding Allocated to School School Vision and Mission Comprehensive Needs Assessment EL Programs Page (address Designated and Integrated ELD).
Discuss: What Data might be used for Measurable Objectives? Reclassification DIBELS/RI ELA and Math SBAC Data Grades EL students on track to graduate (Secondary) Other?...........
LD SOUTH Allocation School Allocations per Pupil EL COACH District Professional Developments
Thank You Kirstin Summers ELD Instructional Coordinator, Elementary kms3113@lausd.net Helen Choi ELD Instructional Coordinator, Secondary hhc7910@lausd.net