Eclipse and Tides
Two parts of a shadow Umbra and Penumbra
Total and Partical Eclipse
Full Moon Phase for a Lunar Eclipse
The entire nighttime half (without clouds) can observe a lunar eclipse.
We don’t always see a Lunar Eclipse during every full moon phase because the moon’s plane of orbit is 5o different from the Earth’s plane of orbit.
Total Eclipse Annular Eclipse
During the New Moon Phase a solar eclipse can be observered.
A solar eclipse can only be seen by a small area on earth because of the small shadow.
A solar eclipse can last about 7.5 minutes
Direct and Indirect Tides
Tides rise or fall every 6 hours and 12. 5 minutes, on the average Tides rise or fall every 6 hours and 12.5 minutes, on the average. Tides occur 50 minutes later each day.
Because of the moon’s revolution with the Earth’s rotation.
The sun has a similar gravitation pull on the tides as the moon.
Spring tides are higher than normal high tides and lower than normal low tides. Occurring during the new and full moon phases
Neap tides are not very high high tides and not very low low tides Neap tides are not very high high tides and not very low low tides. Occurring during the quarter moon phases
The tidal range is the difference in level between high tide and low tide.
Tidal ranges of lake are small Tidal ranges of lake are small. The Great Lakes have a tidal range of a few centimeters. Tidal ranges of the open ocean are much greater. Averages less than one meter.
The Bay Funde is long and V-shaped producing a large tidal range.
Where as the broad shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico has a small tidal range. The water is spread out over the long shoreline.
Homework #3