Miss Lyall – P1a Ms. Kennedy - P1b Miss Hoffman- P1c Primary One 2017/18 Miss Lyall – P1a Ms. Kennedy - P1b Miss Hoffman- P1c
Maths / Numeracy Main Focus Numeracy Different numeracy focus daily Maths - time, shape, money, pattern, measure, Problem Solving Resources used Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning (SEAL) Midlothian Understanding Mathematics Programme (MUMP)
Literacy Main Focus Developing listening and talking skills (eye contact, when and what is appropriate) Phonics - blending and segmenting words. Correct letter formation Build sight vocabulary (ORT key words/common words) Foundations of Writing/Emergent Writing (next slide) Resources used Jolly Phonics Oxford Reading Tree books Picture Books – developing critical thinking skills
Term 1 (August-December) Topics Planet Earth (Aliens Love Underpants) Autumn Harvest (Food to Fork topic) People Who Help Us Structured Play Linked to learning outcomes Expressive Arts Arts and craft – collage/fine motor Health and Well Being Rights and Responsibilities Hygiene- hand washing and teeth brushing P.E Better Movers Thinkers Things to note: Nativity Literacy and Languages Week (Nov) Science Living Things/Plants Water Specialist Teachers: Mr Fruish (P.E) Miss Gallagher (STEM)
Term 2 (January to March) Topics Dalkeith “Then and Now” Unique Differences “What Makes Us, Us” Health and Well Being Wellbeing Indicators (SHANARRI) Expressive Arts Steven Brown artist study (line/colour) Pattern (kilts) Dance Science Toys & Forces (Push/Pull) Things to Note Maths & Numeracy Week (Feb) Safe Healthy Active Nurtured Achieving Respected Responsible Included Specialist Teachers: Mr Fruish (P.E) Miss Gallagher (STEM)
Term 3 (April – June) Topics Keeping Myself Safe Human Body – Senses, Body Parts, Inheritance Health and Well Being Cool in School Healthy Eating Expressive Arts Music Drama Things to Note: HWB week Sports Day Specialist Teachers: Mr Fruish (P.E) Miss Gallagher (STEM)
French (1+2) Learning Qualities Country study Greetings/Routines Colours Numbers to 5 Days of the Week Family members Body parts Learning Qualities Wonderful Struggles (identifying own learning targets) What makes a good learner? Talking Partners Growth Mindset
Classroom Policy -”Good to be Green” Linked to school policy “Rights and Responsibilities” Right to be safe Right to be respected Right to learn Stages Verbal warning given Turn card Yellow card Red card – Restorative discussion with teacher during break/lunch No Golden Time in P1 – phasing out throughout school
How you can help... Names on EVERYTHING please, including hats/scarves. P.E kit: shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes Sent home termly Only water during class time (in line with health regulations). Milk sent home if not drunk in school. One snack is sufficient Healthy snacks encouraged Name Tupperware Homework bags to be brought to school every day. Keeping in touch with us - make an appointment through school office Asking your child about their LEARNING “What have you learned today?
Homework Sounds ORT reading book + key words Talk for Writing Context for writing shared, discuss with children to support ideas