MIMOSA and OpenO&M™ Executive Overview


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Presentation transcript:

MIMOSA and OpenO&M™ Executive Overview August 13, 2004 Presenter: Alan T. Johnston President, MIMOSA

Presentation Outline What is MIMOSA? Collaboration Activities & Synergies What Problems Are We Solving With OpenO&M™? DoD – The Worlds Most Complex Fleets Process Industries The New Paradigm - Condition Based Operations (CBO) MIMOSA Activities Highlights

WHAT IS MIMOSA? MIMOSA is an Operations and Maintenance Information Open Systems Alliance Organized as a Non-profit Trade Association Vendors Integrators & Service Providers End-Users Collaboratively Develops and Promotes Open Standards for Operations and Maintenance (OpenO&M™) Fleets Plants Facilities Produces Vendor-Neutral Open Information Exchange Standards Open Systems Architecture for Enterprise Application Integration (OSA-EAI™) Open Systems Architecture for Conditioned-Based Maintenance (OSA-CBM™) Finalized standards are publicly available at www.mimosa.org

MIMOSA Mission Develop and encourage the adoption of open information standards for Operations and Maintenance

MIMOSA Strategy Enable a win/win O&M Solutions Environment for end-users & solutions providers Enable Condition Based Operations (CBO) through Asset Capabilities Management (ACM) Enable Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management (CALM) through use of OSA-EAI and OSA-CBM open asset management information standards Strongly brand and leverage OpenO&M™ Open Information Standards A single branded “Language” for Operations and Maintenance integration Enable Solutions that are Open & Interoperable Achieve critical mass standards consensus both through organic efforts and through collaboration with other key industry and public sector associations. Avoid standards proliferation. Collaboration strategy more fully defined in conjunction with collaboration partners Horizontal OpenO&M™ strategy across all industries and public sector in conjunction with OPC Foundation Choose other OpenO&M™ strategically aligned collaboration partners

MIMOSA Information Domain Summary Open Maintenance Management Open Reliability Management Open Condition Management Open Physical Asset Registry Management

END-TO-END OpenO&M™ SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS EMBEDDED SYSTEMS MIMOSA & OPC OpenO&M™ Information Standards MIMOSA OSA-CBM Information Standards At Platform Diagnostics Portable Diagnostic Tools CBM Systems Maintenance Logistics EAM, CMMS Tightly Coupled Systems Loosely Coupled Systems

MIMOSA Open Systems Architecture for Enterprise Application Integration (OSA-EAI) Architecture Overview EAI Interoperability Tech-Web HTTP Client & Server Tech-File Import & Export Tech-CDE Client & Server OpenO&M Tech-Doc OPC OPC Complex Data Tech-XML OPC DA & XMLDA XML Content Tech-XML Client & Server Interface Schemas Terse Message Schema Tech-Doc Producer/Consumer CRIS Reference Data Library MetaData Taxonomy Common Relational Information Schema (CRIS) Implementation Model OSA-EAI Common Conceptual Object Model (CCOM) Conceptual Model OSA-EAI Terminology Dictionary Semantic Definitions

Increasing Complexity & Value Added By Language Elements Then Need For Standard Specialized Language For Operations & Maintenance (OpenO&M™) Increasing Complexity & Value Added By Language Elements Primitive Tokens Hex Octal Binary Alphabet English U.S. Unicode Double-byte ASCII Grammar Rules Western European English XML DTDs, Schema Standard Vocabulary English Standard Specialized Language Terminology Phraseology Operations & Maintenance Industry OpenO&M™ Natural Language MIMOSA is a specialized language for O&M that codifies many specialized terms, engineering standards and standard methods. This is quite analogous to the specialized natural or human language typically used in professions and other specialized disciplines. Computer Language

What’s The MIMOSA Value Proposition? The value of MIMOSA as a standards body Condition Based Operations (CBO) is a fundamental paradigm shift that is applicable to all sectors. CBO requires open O&M interfaces. OpenO&M™ is the answer. Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management (CALM) requires open & interoperable O&M interfaces. OpenO&M is the answer. Joint work with other consensus standards bodies and formal standards bodies The value of MIMOSA as a trade association External Education & Marketing Internal Communication & Collaboration Providing a focused way to interact with a critical mass of the organizations developing and promoting open and interoperable solutions for Operations & Maintenance

MIMOSA Collaboration For OpenO&M™ MIMOSA Center of Excellence – U.S. Army SED NAVSEA-TOSA Program – MIMOSA Member National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) MIMOSA/ISA-95/OPC Foundation - Joint Working Group NIST/FIATECH – Capital Project Standards Roadmap ISO ISO/TC 184/SC 5/WG 7 - Diagnostics & Maintenance Application Integration Working Group ISO STD 13374-1 – TC108/SC 5 - Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics- MIMOSA is the Informative Reference Technical Committee 108 Sub-Committee 5 Accredited Standards Committee S2 + = OpenO&M™

A Look At A Complex Extended Enterprise Requiring OpenO&M™ The Modern Department of Defense Extended Supply Chain Incorporating Fleets, Plants and Facilities

OpenO&M™ In Process Industries Collaboration between OPC Foundation, MIMOSA and ISA SP95 To Enable The Real-Time Enterprise

What is OPC? International Industry Standard Organization 350+ Companies / 40+ end-users Members 1500+ Companies Build OPC Products = 7500+ Products The vision of OPC is to be the Foundation for interOperability for moving information vertically from the factory floor through the enterprise of multi-vendor systems (with stops in between…) For moving information between devices on different industrial networks from different vendors; Not just data but information…….

OPC Provides Industry-Standard interOperability Performance & Connectivity ERP, SAP … Corporate Enterprise OPC –( XML & .NET) Manufacturing, Production and Maintenance (Rockwell, Emerson, Siemens, MRO, Indus…) OPC –( XML & .NET) Adv. Control HMI MES SCADA Batch OPC OPC OPC This is a sense of the picture that shows OPC and all the possible opportunities for OPC XML data access being used for a whole interoperability and connectivity between different applications. We may have used this slide many many times, but I think that the audience in a message that it conveys merits possible inclusion. Essentially what you’re talking about is as a wide variety of different applications that have the need for data and information being exchanged between themselves. Is data moves from the lower level devices, up through the various applications . The data gets transformed into information. A typical example as that a lot of times and HMI application becomes the alarm server for and operates on the data from the factory floor, in transposes the data on via rule processing to determine if the data on from the factory floor represents some sort of alarm condition that needs to be passed out the works changed between different applications. when alarm information needs to be passed between applications that are distributed and connected via the Internet the best technology to do that is by using XML and web services PC-Based Control OPC PLC DCS Industrial Networks Data Acquisition ????

What Is ISA? The Instrumentation, Systems & Automation Society (ISA), founded in 1945 as a nonprofit educational organization, www.isa.org. Membership: 38,000+ professionals involved in the theory, design, manufacture, and use of sensors, instruments, computers, and systems for automation and control in a variety of industrial applications. ISA annually hosts the largest conference and exhibit for automation and control in North America, and is a leading technical training organization and developer of books, journals, and ANSI-accredited standards. ISA also serves the professional development and accreditation needs of Control Systems Engineers (CSE), instrument technicians, and others within the field of automation and control.

What is ISA-95 ? Vendors General Users ISA standard ISA-95 Enterprise - Control System Integration Part 1: Models and Terminology Part 2: Data Structures and Attributes Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operation Management SP95 Committee Develops the standard International Standard is ISO/IEC 62264 Users Vendors General

MIMOSA/OPC/ISA SP95 JWG Activities October 2003 Formative Press Release 2003 ISA EXPO – OpenO&M™ Interoperability Demo February 2004 First Official Meeting and Press Release White Paper “OpenO&M™ For Process Industries–In Draft”

OpenO&M™ Information Standards ISA EXPO 2003 Interoperability Demonstration Open Operations Open Maintenance Operations Enterprise Resource Planning HMI EAM Human Machine Interface Enterprise Asset Management OpenO&M™ ODH DSS Operations Data Historian Decision Support System Media Independent Network Using OpenO&M™ Protocols CM On-line and/or Portable Condition Monitoring

ISA Expo 2003 OpenO&M™ Demonstration Open Operations Participating Companies

ISA Expo 2003 OpenO&M™ Demonstration Open Maintenance Participating Companies

The New Paradigm– Enabling Condition Based Operations (CBO) (Process Industries Example) Supply Chain Mgmt ERP System Prod. Forecasting & Scheduling / MES System Asset Capability Forecasting & Asset Optimization DSS Control Systems & HMIs Asset Health DSS Asset Registry, Maintenance Work & Parts Mgmt. EAM System Condition-based Operational Advisories Condition-based Maintenance Advisories DATA HISTORIANS / ASSET MEASUREMENTS & INSPECTIONS O&M Event Monitoring &C Device Monitoring I Portable Device Monitoring On-line Surveillance Monitors On-Line Protection Monitors On-line Transient Monitor Sample Monitoring

Production Capacity Forecast Total Capacity Capacity Lost To Maintenance Confidence 85% 90% 95% Available Capacity Capacity Need to add middle bands representing the range of uncertainty. Over time, the middle bands will become wider with a wider gap between the best case and the worst case for Available Capacity. A CBO what if analysis would also need to incorporate other variable constraints such as costs, quality and safety. Time As we look further into the future, a production capacity forecast becomes more uncertain and the confidence of having a given amount of production capacity decreases. CBO seeks to determine a Capacity Forecast based on an optimal scenario where the definition of optimal is based on a balanced scorecard established by management.

2004 MIMOSA Activities Highlights February 2004– 1st Meeting MIMOSA/OPC/ISA SP95 JWG March 2004 Control Engineering Magazine Cover Story April 2004 ARC InSight - OpenO&M™ a key CALM enabler April 26-29 OpenO&M™ Week – Scottsdale Arizona May 2004 MIMOSA Publishes OSA-EAI 3.0 Standards European Federation of National Maintenance Societies - Barcelona MARTS June 2004 NIST/FIATECH Collaboration Meetings ISO TC 184/SC 5/WG 7 Meetings Coming Events (Opportunities To Participate) Next MIMOSA Technical Committee Meeting – August 16-18 2004 2004 ISA EXPO OpenO&M™ Interoperability Demonstration – October 5-7 MIMOSA TC Meeting – In Conjunction With IMC, Naples FL, Dec. 6-10 2005 National Manufacturing Week 2005 OpenO&M™ Week – April 11-15 Scottsdale Arizona

Join and work with the OpenO&M™ Team Integrators & Service Providers Keys To Success Communicate – Continue to raise the enterprise visibility of integrated approaches to O&M, fully leveraging the knowledge of the associated industry professionals Collaborate Multi-disciplinary collaboration in MIMOSA membership Proper collaboration with appropriate external partners Develop – Continued development of the OpenO&M™ Information Standards Join and work with the OpenO&M™ Team Vendors Integrators & Service Providers End-User Council

Marks Disclosure OpenO&M, OSA-CBM and OSA-EAI are marks of MIMOSA. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.