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Finch reading questions Spiral page: 7 How do you know that the finches’ beak depth is heritable? How did the finch population change from before the drought to after the drought? Why do you think that the average beak depth increased?
Finch reading answers How do you know that the finches’ beak depth is heritable? You know the traits are heritable because the traits are passed on to offspring. How did the finch population change from before the drought to after the drought? Before the drought there were mostly birds with small beaks to eat small seeds and a few large beaked birds. The small seeds were eaten quickly and only large seeds drought tolerant seeds were left. The birds with deep large beaks that could eat these seeds survived, while birds that could not perished. Why do you think that the average beak depth increased? The birds that could crack the large seeds were able to survive to reproductive age and have the most offspring, passing down their genetics.