Confirming Med Orders HED Major Changes Limit of 10 standard Tabs for each unit. To see additional, infrequently used tabs, click on arrow to right of Tabs to get drop down list of all Tabs. Background colors different with light lines between each row. Dropdown boxes expand wider so no scrolling needed.
You can send a message to pharmacy from within Med Details box in AdminRx (no need to go out to Care Organizer) Along with other over-ride reasons, there is a new option “Extra Dose”. Use to avoid “stealing” another dose. You can add a comment to a specific dose of a medication (eg. Draw drug level before giving dose). When co-signing meds in real time, you may: Click top Cosign box to select all meds for cosign. Click in box beside an individual drug to cosign just that med. Once you have selected at least one med to co-sign, the Cosign box in the lower right corner will turn black and be selectable to complete the transaction. [*When co-signing a med after it’s been administered, you will continue to follow same process as today – click on the charted dose and open Details box to cosign there.] AdminRx Major Changes 1 2 4 3