Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge 61,500 acres 40,100 acres of wetlands 280 species of birds 49 species of mammals 12 species of amphibians 9 species of reptiles
1997 Spring Flood 6 day period AVERAGE Inflow = 6,000cfs based on water level rise in pools. After that period managed outflow = From the Agassiz Control structure = 1,064cfs Total outflow from all structures and spillways =3,800 cfs
Agassiz NWR Total Water Storage Agassiz NWR Total Water Storage Storage (acre feet) Description 35,030 Winter Storage (1997) 61,432 Gated Storage 116,036 Ungated Storage Agassiz NWR Total Water Storage Storage (acre feet) Description 35,030 Winter Storage (1997) 61,432 Gated Storage 116,036 Ungated Storage
Agassiz Pool (Mud Lake) Storage Capacity Elevation Storage (acre/feet) Description 1136 1137 225 1138 2,425 1139 7,585 average winter level 1139.5 11,515 1140 15,445 1141 25,410 gated storage 1142 36,480 1143 48,510 1143.85 59,390 1997 highest spring flood level 1144 61,310
September 26, 1985 Ditch 11 Delta in Agassiz Pool
May 20, 2005 Thief River Entering Agassiz Pool
2002 2004
Outflow and Precipitation 1965 to 2004 Agassiz NWR 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 30 25 20 15 10 5 Outflow in Acre-feet Outflow without Farmes Pool Precipitation in Inches