Review for MiniSum #2… …ughhh…. Yes, today! MT 14, Blueprint of Life Thursday 01.17.13 TOPIC: MY GOAL: DO THIS NOW I will… demonstrate my knowledge of Replication & RNA I will also find out about mRNA & tRNA Review for MiniSum #2… …ughhh…. Yes, today!
So the whole point to DNA REPLICATION… …is to make sure the daughter cells have the correct number of DNA strands (Xsomes) Replication! A - T C - G T - A G - C A - T C -G T - A G - C
RNA vs. DNA A – U (Adenine – Uracil) C – G (Cytosine – Guanine) A – T RiboNucleic Acid 1 Strand Sugar = Ribose The nitrogen bases are: A – U (Adenine – Uracil) C – G (Cytosine – Guanine) DeoxyriboNucleic Acid 2 strands Sugar = deoxyribose The 4 bases are: A – T C – G 3
Remember……DNA = A-T, C-G Remember……RNA = A-U, C-G The cell needs RNA to take DNA’s message out to the ribosome where proteins are made. Remember……DNA = A-T, C-G Remember……RNA = A-U, C-G STEP 1: Make matching 1/2DNA.. STEP 2: Use original DNA as template, make RNA. A C G - G C A - T A A - G T A T G C- C G T - A T T – C A T A C G – T C A – T A A – G T A U G C – A G U – A U U –C A U 4
MiniSummative #2 MT 14, Replication & RNA PICK UP YOUR CLICKER & MiniSum Read carefully Understand what is being asked Double-Check your work Keep eyes on your own paper POWER DOWN remote & Turn in quiz paper DO THIS: 1st Read ISN page 124 (the diagrams) 2nd , complete the Notes on ISN p.125
The fx of DNA, as the Blueprint of Life, is to tell the cell to make proteins....but there is a problem…. DNA is in here… PROTEINS are made OUT HERE!!! So how does the message get out there? The Directions get out there by way of RNA… DNA us used to make RNA
DNA splits temporarily to make an RNA to deliver DNA’s message ORIGINAL DNA RNA Use DNA as Template MATCHING ½ of DNA A T T A C U A 7
How DNA tells the Ribosomes to make Proteins DNA is in nucleus – too BIG - cannot leave – needs help to get message out to ribosomes to make proteins… RNA is made from DNA - helps deliver message mRNA interprets DNA’s message = called TRANSCRIPTION describes which a.a. should be put together to make a protein a.a. in cytoplasm – need help getting over to ribosomes picked up by tRNA translates mRNA’s message = called TRANSLATION Amino acids make up proteins characteristics! TrAits!!! A T- C- A- T A G 3. PROTEINS DNA U C A U C A 1. mRNA 1. mRNA aa C A U aa. aa. aa. 2. tRNA
replication transcription translation TGT - TAA –GGG mRNA mRNA mRNA DNA replication ACA – ATT – CCC TGT - TAA –GGG transcription mRNA mRNA mRNA Ribosome Ribosome Ribosome translation tRNA tRNA tRNA A.A A.A A.A Protein Protein Protein Trait Trait Trait 9
What RNA Is and Does! Stop Think And Review PBS clip: Show 1st 2 min
Why care about proteins! 1. Structural Proteins (make things) determine eye color make up muscles, tendons, ligaments make up hair & nails make up hormones 2. Functional Proteins (do things) control chemical reactions control muscle movement digests your food tell cells when to divide carry oxygen in blood help cells communicate with each other antibody proteins protect against bacteria & viruses Proteins make possible every activity in your body! 11
Be the change you wish to see in the world Read your ISN pages Silently then out loud then silently then silently again then get someone to quiz you then read your ISN pages AGAIN! HOMEWORK Be the change you wish to see in the world 12 12