“The Farmer is the Man” When the farmer comes to town With his wagon broken down, The farmer is the man who feeds them all. If you'll only look and see, I am sure you will agree, The farmer is the man who feeds them all. The farmer is the man, the farmer is the man, Lives on credit till the fall, Then they take him by the hand, And they lead him from the land, And the middleman's the man who gets it all. When the lawyer hangs around While the butcher cuts a pound, The farmer is the man who feeds them all. And the preacher and the cook Go a-strolling down the brook, The farmer is the man who feeds them all. The farmer is the man, the farmer is the man, Lives on credit till the fall. With the interest rate so high,It's a wonder he don't die; The banker is the man who gets it all. When the banker says he's broke, And the merchant's up in smoke, The farmer is the man who feeds them all. It would put them to the test If the farmer took a rest. The farmer is the man, the farmer is the man, Lives on credit till the fall, His clothes are wearing thin, His condition is a sin; He's forgot that he's the man who feeds them all.
Populism Begins with the Granger movement in 1867 The National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry- Oliver Kelley Goal was to promote the farmers cause Created cooperative stores, grain warehouses, and farming equipment Midwestern states made local laws to help farmers Munn vs. Illinois- allowed for state governments to regulate trade (set rates) for businesses that are for the public good The farmers biggest enemy was the RR..Why?
Farmers vs. RR Elkins Act (1903) (RR rebates banned)Hepburn Act (1906)(max RR rates_- these laws gave teeth to and Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
Direct Democracy Reforms of the Populists Direct election of US Senators (17th Amendment) Originally chosen by state legislators, why? What problem did they believe existed with the legislators choosing? Secret ballot (Australian ballot) Initiative- citizens could introduce bills in Congress or state legislators by petition Referendum- people vote on laws after passed by state legislators Recall- the people can vote to remove an elected official before their term expires
Populist Economic Reforms Inflation!! They wanted to create currency inflation By having the government allow for US dollars to be backed by silver instead of gold, that would make $$ cheaper and less valuable… Why would this help farmers??? Think of their business and how and when they make $$ They wanted to drive the prices of goods and services higher. How does this help them, and also not really hurt them with high prices?
Bryan’s Cross of Gold Speech You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard. I tell you that the great cities rest upon these broad and fertile prairies. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic. But destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.…. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.
Populist Economic Reforms Graduated Income Tax The more $$$ you make, the higher the % of your earnings get taxed. Is this fair?? Today, we have tax brackets based on graduated income tax Sub-treasury system- an overhaul of US banking system, and government would store the farmers grain for free, and farmers can borrow up to 80% of the value of the products from US Treasury
Supreme Court Cases Munn vs. Illinois- allowed for state governments to regulate trade (set rates) for businesses that are for the public good Helps the farmers vs. the RR’s!! Wabash case (Wabash, St. Louis Railroad, Pacific Railroad Co. vs. Illinois- reversed much of Munn- states do not have the right to regulate interstate commerce. Although this hurt the farmers at 1st, it eventually leads to the Interstate Commerce Act and Interstate Commerce Commission, which allows Congress to regulate interstate trade
“Wizard of Oz” Why called Oz? Emerald City? The Cyclone?? Why the “Yellow Brick Road” Silver slippers!!! Tin Man? Cowardly Lion?? Scarecrow? Toto? Why tin man rusted? How did it happen? Wicked Witch of West? East? Good Witch of South? The Wizard? Flying Monkeys?? Yellow Winkies? Where do they fall asleep?? Why?? Who sleeps first? How do they defeat the witch???? What a anticlimactic way?