Erik Erikson 1902-1994
Infant: Oral Sensory Age: 0- 1 or 2 Trust v Mistrust Mother To get, To give in return Hope & Faith Withdrawal
Toddler: Anal Muscular Age: 2 to 3 or 4 Autonomy v Shame & Doubt Parents To hold on, to let go Will & Determination Compulsive & Impulsiveness
Preschooler: Genital Locomotor Age: 4-6 Initiative v Guilt Family To go after, to play Purpose & Courage Ruthlessness & inhibition
School Age: Latency Age 7-12 Industry v Inferiority Neighborhood & School To complete, to make things together Competence Narrow virtuosity & inertia
Adolescence Age: 12-18 or 20 Ego-Identity v Role Confusion Peer groups, role models To be oneself, to share oneself Fidelity & loyalty Fanaticism & repudiation
Young Adult Age: 20’s & 30’s Intimacy v Isolation Partners & friends To lose and find oneself in another Love Promiscuity & Exclusivity
Middle Adult Age: 40’s & 50’s Generativity v Self Absorption Household, Workmates To make be, to care of Care Overextension & Rejectivity
Old Adult Age: 50’s and older Integrity v Despair Mankind, “my” kind To be to face not being Wisdom Presumption & despair