(Video – How the Universe Works: Extreme Stars – Parts 5 & 6) Wednesday September 20, 2017 (Video – How the Universe Works: Extreme Stars – Parts 5 & 6)
Draw a sketch of the opposing forces that determine a star’s size. The Launch Pad Wednesday, 9/20/17 Draw a sketch of the opposing forces that determine a star’s size.
What is a “galaxy?” The Launch Pad Wednesday, 9/20/17 A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally-bound system consisting of stars, stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and an important but poorly understood component called dark matter.
Announcements Remediation for Quiz 2 runs through this Friday at 5:00. We will take Quiz 3 this Friday!
F7 F8 S2 QUIZ 2 Friday 9/12 9/14 9/15 5:00 PM Overdue Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted NASA Research Paper - Stars F7 9/12 TODAY DE – Stars F8 9/14 Overdue QUIZ 2 S2 9/15 Friday 5:00 PM
Part 5 – Supernova Explosion Video HTUW - Extreme Stars Part 5 – Supernova Explosion (9:09)
SLC Debrief (Notes should be taken during SLC Debriefs and kept in a section in your Science Binder) What causes a supernova explosion? What can be left behind when supernovae explode? Why are supernovae beneficial to life?
Part 6 - Stellar Evolution Video HTUW - Extreme Stars Part 6 - Stellar Evolution (4:21)
SLC Debrief (Notes should be taken during SLC Debriefs and kept in a section in your Science Binder) Explain the grand recycling program taking place in the Universe.
The Universal Recycling Program Nebular Gas Cloud Protostar Gravity and time Gas and dust Gravity and time 10 million Kelvins Onset of Thermonuclear Fusion Main Sequence Planetary Nebula or Supernova Remnant Star Death