World View Defined World view is the total package of an ever changing set of core assumptions upon which we build our "cultural map." This map in turn is the means by which we see and interpret the world around us. World view is, in effect, our set of "map constructing" and "map reading" rules.
World View, Faith, and Lifeways Interaction among three foundations . . . Assumptions about life and the rules to use those assumptions in interpreting the world around us. Ways we live; scripts of life as well as lifestyle choices we make. World View Lifeways Faith Faith in the reality and meaning of a world beyond the physical manifestations.
World View Ingredients Sinful or Transformed Nature Enculturation Image of God Life History Language Genetic Parameters
Functions of World View Adapted from Kraft, Christianity with Power, pp. 184-93 Gives the interpretive grid needed to explain the way things are Provides us the tools we need to evaluate what we experience Enables us to sort out, arrange, and make different commitments Helps us to adapt to changing circumstances without throwing out our world view completely World View Lifeways Sacred Canopy
World View and Communication People communicate in ways that make sense within their world view(s) People interpret our communication in light of their world view While change in world view is possible, it usually takes place over time rather than instantly World view provides the grid through which the Bible is valued, viewed, and communicated
World View Assumptions Space Time Existence Powers Knowledge Logic Being