MCP PET Simulation (7) – Pixelated X-tal 51.0 (not to scale) -51.0 51.0 X Detector geometry, dimension. Beam energy, position, direction Properties of LSO LSO : Decay time 40ns Lightout : 26,000/MeV 511keV two gammas at the center. 180 deg angle between two gammas. 50mm separation between two modules. Surface: “groundbackpainted” (Unified model) Dimension : 102x102mm LSO( 1 pixel => 4x4x25mm3) pixelated into 24x24(left) Crystal pitch : 4.25mm MCP Photocathode embedded in MCP. Module = LSOs between 2MCPs.
Single Electron Responses Pulse Shape ~500ps rise time(top) ( real measurement by J-F) similar value for falling time assume asymmetric gausian shape 2. Average gain factor : 10e6 Single electron gain ~70% in FWHM. 3. Transit Time Spread sigma = 50ps( real measurement by J-F). real measurement Response to single electron Pulse shape 2.Single electron gain 3.TTS cf. Seng’s slides at Picosecond workshop at Lyon08 Simulated pulse shape
Readout Scheme Readout signals from 24 horizontally (vertically) running TLs. Total 24x2x2 channels for a module. Position : Anger logic using 5 TLs. Energy : Sum of two sides( e.g, 5 TL sum w.r.t the maximum for each side) Timing : Average of maximum Energy TL from each side. TL direction Front Side Back Side
Number of p.e. ~1447 p.e for 511keV peak. # of p.e.
Energy resolution 10^6 gain Sum of 5 TL charge. 12.0% FWHM Event around 511keV ~62% of total events pc
CoincidenceTiming resolution Select event around 511keV peak ~38% efficiency( 0.62*0.62) 10mV threshold LE pickup 375ps FWHM ns
Position Measurement Use Anger logic with 5 highest TL’s signal. Xdet = Sum(Xi*Ei) / Sum(Ei) ( for Vertically running TL in Front) Ydet = Sum(Yi*Ei)/ Sum(Ei) ( for Horizontally running TL in Back) B C Reconstructed X coordinate. Beam Entering Position(X cor) B : 4.0mm C : 4.5mm Photon( Signal) is highly localized within crystal pitchs( 4.25mm). Position resol. for coincidence event ~ 2mm Position reconstruction. Show results with different beam entering data.
Signal Shape at TLs mV ns
Plans Depth of Interaction(DOI) Simulation. Position by time difference. Validation