our ideal school Hello! I am Aleksandra. I am going to speak from my ideal school. My ideal school`s name is school # 4. And my school is located in a nice place. My school has got a uniform. We have got a lot of rules, exams,homework…
Time table Monday Tuesday Wednesday English lenguage maths BREAK P.E Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday 08:20-14:30 English lenguage maths 11:30-12:20 BREAK 12:20-13:15 P.E sexology Basc 13:15-13:30 science music Geography and history 13:30-16:00 EAT 16:00-17:15 I.T religion
subjects This is a time table of Monday : English class start at half past ten and finishes at half past eleven in the morning. English is a very boring subject but teacher is very happy. I’m very good at subject because I like to speak English and I listen in class. The English teacher`s name is Obama the U.S.A president: P.E: the lesson starts at twenty past twelve after break in the morning and finishes at quarter past one in the afternoon. P.E is very funny but teacher is very stupid. We play football. I ‘ m very good at subject because I like sports. This is our P.E tacher`s name is Cristiano Ronaldo and he plays football in Madrid team:
Sciencie: Sciencie class startes at quarter past one and finishes at half past three in the afternoon and after we are going to eat at the canteen. Sciencie class is very boring but teacher is very intelligent . I`m very good at sciencie because I like matery and atoms. This is borh sciencie teacher.He Is very inportant person in the sciencies: I.T: This class startes at four o’clock and finishes at quarter past five and we finish day. I.T class is very boring and teacher is very serious and funny and we like him. I’ m good at subject but I hate it. This is Mario I.T class teacher he is a very popular person and he has got a game:
This a time table of Tuesday: Language: Language class startes at half past ten and finishes at half past eleven in the morning. Language is very boring but teacher is very funny. I ‘ m good at language because I do my homework and I study a lot. This is our language teacher , his name is leo Messi he is very famous football player(best): Biology: Subject startes at twenty past twelve after break in the morning and finishes at quarter past one in the afternoon. Biology is very interesting subject because teacher is very happy! I m not very good at Biology. This is our Biology teacher , her name is Elsa Pataky she is very famous actrees:
Music: Music startes at quarter past one and finishes at half past one in the afternoon and after we are going to canteen or at home.Is very horrible subject because a teacher is very boring. I’m good at music because I study a lot. This is our music teacher, her name is Lady Gaga.She is a very popular girl:
This is wednesday time table: Maths: I’m not very good at maths.A teacher is very happy but subject is very boring.Class starts at half past ten and finishes at half past eleven in the morning. This is Eminem our maths teacher.He is the best in the world raper: :
Geography and history: The class starts at quarter past one and finishes at half past one. The subject is very interesting and teacher is very serious. I’m good at subject because I study every day and I do my homework. This is our geography and history teacher, his name is Bolt and he is Pekins olimpic games winer runing:
After classes students go to the canteen. The food is very tasty. I like borshch and varenyky. This is the our cook chef: His name is Carlos Arguiñano, He is the best cook chef.
Good students In our class there are a lot of good students for example: Bogdan, because he does his homework, hestudies,he revises… and his grades are very good. Other good student is Nastia because she can draw. This is our school: