BS Interdisciplinary Engineering EH Presentation, November 8, 2018 K. Brumbelow, Director of Interdisciplinary Engineering Curriculum Development
Interdisciplinary Engineering Interdisciplinary engineering degree programs allow students to develop unique skill sets and specialize in areas that may not be provided in traditional department degree programs. Such specializations may be driven by emerging technical fields or by a student’s desire to have an immersive interdisciplinary experience. Texas A&M University’s College of Engineering offers Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees, Master of Science (M.S.) degrees and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in Interdisciplinary Engineering (ITDE).
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering The College of Engineering offers a BS in Interdisciplinary Engineering. The degree program of study can take one of three approaches: Student designed interdisciplinary program of study (i.e., “build your own degree”) Combination of two or more specialization tracks Pre-designed interdisciplinary program of study. Total program credit hours = 128 credits
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering All three approaches have similar requirements: Base 66 credits of “core” courses First-year common engineering courses Engineering ethics English / communication courses Two semesters of senior capstone design Three additional math courses beyond first-year courses (MATH 251, MATH 308, and one chosen from an approved list) 18 credits of UCC
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering The remaining 62 credits (total program credit hours = 128) consist of interdisciplinary specialization threads that are either: designed by the student, with one-on-one guidance with the ITDE Director, or designed by the student with one-on-one guidance with the ITDE Director through combination of previously-approved specialization threads (which are designed by faculty), or designed by the faculty as specialization programs of study. In all cases, prerequisites of courses must be satisfied, unless specially waived by the department offering the course.
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering ITDE Student Core Courses Specialization Courses 66 credits Mostly pre-defined with few choices 62 credits No more than 30 credits from any single degree program. Either Student-designed Student-combined from existing threads Faculty-designed specialization Overall 128 total program credits 40 to 50 credits from 3XX / 4XX courses.
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Specialization Courses Student Designed Student Combined Faculty Designed Cohesive thread of interdisciplinary studies that provide the student with a specialized and unique set of skills and knowledge. Cohesive combination of pre-approved threads that provide the student with a specialized and unique set of skills and knowledge Potential threads (not yet approved) Entrepreneurship engineering Cybersecurity Energy systems Biomedical systems Corrosion Cohesive pre-approved combination of courses designed by faculty to address a present and / or emerging need. Possible POSs Architectural Engineering (App) Advanced Manufacturing (NYA)
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Website Contacts Director, Tim Jacobs ( Advisor, Kim Moses ( Architectural Engineering Program Director, Dr. Morad Atif (
Thank you for your attention BS ITDE
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Student Designed 66 core credits 62 specialization credits No more than 30 credits from any one program. No more than about 14 credits from outside the College of Engineering 50+ credits must be from 300+ courses Specialization thread must be apparent.
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Student Designed Designing your degree Identify programs Identify courses Pay close attention to pre-requisites; pre-requisites must be met unless department offering course grants exception. Assemble courses per 66 core credits Meeting course pre-requisites Degree plan must be reviewed by Director and approved by Advisory Committee Degree plan must be proposed in ETAM application, but acceptance to ITDE does not guarantee the specific proposed degree plan.
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Student Combined 66 core credits 62 specialization credits Combining one or more threads with each other or other courses of interest. Threads not yet approved but available for consideration Engineering Entrepreneurship (NYA) See next slide Cybersecurity (NYA) Still under development Corrosion (NYA)
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Student Combined Threads not yet approved but available for consideration Engineering Entrepreneurship (NYA): 30 credits Design Process (ENDS 101) Engineering Creativity (ENGR 260) Enterprise Basics for Technical Entrepreneurs (ENGR 36X) Sales, Operations, and Manufacturing for Technical Companies (ENGR 36Y) Technology Company Management, Leadership, and Corporate Culture (ENGR 46Z) Product Lean Launch (ENGR 461) Engineering Entrepreneurship Hour (ENGR 462) Intellectual Property Law (ENGR 3AA or ENGR 3AB) Law for Entrepreneurs (ENGR 3BB) Electives (one technical, one law related)
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Student Combined Designing your degree Identify threads Identify complementary programs Identify courses within complementary programs Pay close attention to pre-requisites; pre-requisites must be met unless department offering course grants exception. Assemble courses per 66 core credits Meeting course pre-requisites Degree plan must be reviewed by Director and approved by Advisory Committee Degree plan must be proposed in ETAM application, but acceptance to ITDE does not guarantee the specific proposed degree plan.
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Faculty Designed Architecture Engineering (approved) Advanced Manufacturing (NYA)
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Faculty Designed Architecture Engineering (approved) “The application of scientific and engineering principles, and technologies for the design, construction, and operation & maintenance of building systems” “The design and construction of engineered & integrated building systems” Contact: Dr. Morad Atif (
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Faculty Designed Advanced Manufacturing (NYA) Program of study prepares students for careers in design, control, and implementation of manufacturing processes and systems. Students will take foundational and manufacturing courses in: MMET ISEN MEEN CVEN ELEN CSCE
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering Faculty Designed Designing your degree Identify program Reach out to program director Architectural Engineering: Dr. Morad Atif ( Advanced Manufacturing: Dr. Tim Jacobs ( Degree plan must be reviewed by Director and approved by Advisory Committee Degree plan must be proposed in ETAM application, but acceptance to ITDE does not guarantee the specific proposed degree plan.
ENGE Student Engage Director ETAM Application Process for ETAM Preferably at least 3 weeks before ETAM deadline Engage Director Student Designed Student Combined Faculty Designed ETAM Application Advisory Committee Approval
BS Interdisciplinary Engineering ETAM Application In your ITDE Essay, you should Explain your long term (i.e., 3 – 8 years after graduation) aspirations. What are your career goals? Delineate your short goals (i.e., 2 – 3 years after graduation) Describe why ITDE is your preferred major Provide some context for your intended program of study You will need to have proposed your program of study with the director prior to your ETAM application submission. Propose alternative, or backup, plans if your specific program of study is not approved (or altered) by the Advisory Committee. In your ITDE Essay, you should NOT copy and paste your college application essay!