What Happened Long Ago? Year 1 History / Even Year.


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Presentation transcript:

What Happened Long Ago? Year 1 History / Even Year

Lesson Overview Learning Objective Students will identify how to conduct an interview with a community member or Elder. Prior Knowledge Students need to draw on their prior knowledge of writing questions to ask about the past that was gained in the previous content lesson. Resources Required Student handout 27.1 Student handout 27.2 True and False cards (the same as those prepared and laminated in Foundation Unit) Teacher Dialogue Resource Special Instructions This lesson explicitly teaches the skills of conducting an interview. The greeting, introductions and thank you statements are suggestions only. These need to be reconsidered and worded appropriately once the visiting guests are known. Possible Ancestral Language Connection (ALC) Links Work with ALC staff to ensure that statements used to address or introduce community members or Elders are respectfully worded and appropriate. Ancestral language should be incorporated where appropriate e.g. for greetings and when identifying furniture and items such as chair, table, drink. Vocabulary conduct Room resource 27.1 Portfolio Item

Word Wall conduct – carry out or do

Activating Prior Knowledge Learning Objective We will identify how to conduct1 an interview with a community member or Elder. Activating Prior Knowledge Look at the pictures of these people. By looking at these pictures, what can you see would need to be organised? What do you think these people might be doing? What might they be hoping to find out? Vocabulary 1 carry out or do

The interview space may look something like this. Concept Development Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Refer to Teacher Dialogue Setting up the interview space The space where an interview is conducted needs to have the following things. a comfortable chair a glass of water enough light and air The interview space may look something like this. 5

Concept Development Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Greeting When the person that is being interviewed arrives, he or she needs to be greeted at the door. Hello. Welcome to our classroom. Please come in. Hello. We are so glad you could come. I will show you to your chair. Pair Share What other greeting could you use? Hello. We are very excited to meet you today. Please come in. 6

I’d like you all to meet Elder __________ of the _______ people. Concept Development Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Introduction When the person that is being interviewed comes into the classroom, it is important to introduce him or her to everyone. I’d like you all to meet Elder __________ of the _______ people. Good morning/afternoon everyone, I’d like to introduce to you our special guest. His/ Her name is __________. He/She has been living in _________ for ________ years. Today we are lucky to have Elder _________ come to talk to us in our classroom. Please make him/her feel welcome. 7

Concept Development Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. The interview Before conducting an interview, a variety of open ended questions need to be written. The questions need to be asked in a clear voice that is loud enough to be easily heard. Here are a few extra tips to remember: Listen carefully to the answer given. Give the person enough time to answer the question. Let the person know that they don’t have to answer the question if they don’t want to. Ask the person being interviewed if it is ok for the interview to be recorded. 8

Our class would like to thank you for coming to talk with us today. Concept Development Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Thank you and exiting When the person has finished being interviewed, he or she needs to be thanked and shown to the door when he or she is ready to leave. Our class would like to thank you for coming to talk with us today. We have enjoyed listening to you talk to us today. Thank you for coming. We have learnt a lot from what you have told us. We hope you will come back again soon. 9

Guided Practice Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Setting up the interview space Greeting and introduction Conducting the interview   Thanking and leaving Colour the boxes below to show which part of conducting an interview they belong to Say hello to the person when they arrive at the door. Have a comfortable chair for the person to sit on. Walk the person to the door when they are ready to leave. Have a glass of water ready for the person. Ask the questions using a clear voice. Thank the person for coming. Tell the person that they do not have to answer the questions. Introduce the person to the class when they arrive. Tell a little bit of information about the person who will be interviewed. Make sure the space is light and airy. Tell the person that you have enjoyed having them visit the class. Listen carefully to the answer of each question. 10

Guided Practice Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Setting up the interview space Greeting and introduction Conducting the interview   Thanking and leaving Colour the boxes below to show which part of conducting an interview they belong to Say hello to the person when they arrive at the door. Have a comfortable chair for the person to sit on. Walk the person to the door when they are ready to leave. Have a glass of water ready for the person. Ask the questions using a clear voice. Thank the person for coming. Tell the person that they do not have to answer the questions. Introduce the person to the class when they arrive. Tell a little bit of information about the person who will be interviewed. Make sure the space is light and airy. Tell the person that you have enjoyed having them visit the class. Listen carefully to the answer of each question. 11

Relevance Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. It is important to understand that to conduct a successful interview there is planning and organising that needs to happen before the interview takes place. When you interview someone, it is an opportunity to learn new things and find out information by asking questions. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the person you are interviewing feels comfortable and is treated respectfully so that they enjoy the experience of sharing what they know. 12

Closure Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Preparing for an Interview – Quiz True or false? The questions that are used in the interview don’t need to be written before the interview. It is important to set up the interview space so that the person being interviewed feels comfortable. The person being interviewed must be greeted respectfully and introduced to the class before the interview is conducted. There is no need to thank the person who is interviewed. I will draw a picture on the board. You will put a tick or a cross on your whiteboard to tell me whether it is a family or not a family Here is a picture of a mum and her two children (use stick figures). Is this a family? Show me on your whiteboard and chin-it. Here is a picture of a teddy bear. Is this a family? Show me on your whiteboard and chin-it. Here is a picture of a dad, his brother, his sister, his cousin and his child (use stick figures) Is this a family? Show me on your whiteboard and chin-it. false true true false 13

Independent Practice Good interviews are planned and organised before they are conducted. Portfolio Item 14