Ancient Rome Notes
Rome – The Beginning Republic – government of the people Patricians – Upper class, landholding, made laws Consuls – 2 patricians, ran daily government Dictator – Time of war, complete control Plebeians – farmers, merchants, bulk of population Tribunes – Plebeian officials Veto – can block laws harmful to plebeians
Roman Society Women given more power, held jobs, business Boys and girls taught to read and write Religions – similar to Greek but different names Citizen-Soldiers were part of legion (5000) Provided own weapons with no pay Conquered lands treated with justice Built roads, connected empire People assimilated and united under Roman rule
Rome – Empire Building Imperialism –control over foreign lands Corruption was common Reformers - Julius Caesar Popular Military General Public works jobs, reorganized government of providences Created calendar – Julian Calendar Killed by best friend, Brutus Census – count people Good and Bad emperors Pax Romana – Time of Roman Peace
Roman Achievement Literature – Aeneid, Satirize – make fun of History – Livy, kept track of events Philosophy – Emperor Marcus Aurelius – stoic Art – Sculpture, Mosaic – picture made of tiles Architecture – Huge temples, arch and columns Engineering – built aqueducts Law – Civil Law and Law of Nations
Christianity Early Religions tolerated by Romans Most were polytheistic, like Romans Jews rejected Roman religion, persecuted, revolt, fled Jesus born in 4 B.C. Apostles and him spread message of peace, love Deeply rooted in Judaism Romans crucified him for rebellion Seen as religion for all – everyone welcome
Roman Decline 26 emperors in 50 years Several tried to help with reforms Invasion by several groups of nomads hurt Rome Causes Military – Mercenaries used, little loyalty Political – Corruption, divided empire Economic – Taxes, slaves ran away, economic downfall Social – Lack of patriotism and devotion Long, slow decline Lead to Byzantine Empire (Western Rome)