The Revolution of 1800 Jefferson wins 73 electoral votes including New York thanks to Aaron Burr Adams wins 65 electoral votes
Judiciary Act of 1801 Packing of Federalist Judges Created 16 new federal judgeships along with other judicial offices Republican controlled Congress (1801) repeals Judiciary Act 1801 and goes after John Marshall
Marbury vs. Madison William Marbury one of the “Midnight Judges” sues for his position John Marshall Supreme Court Chief Justice decision creates CONCEPT OF JUDICIAL REVIEW Supreme Court determines constitutionality of laws
Barbary Coast Pirates Pirates stake out Mediterranean for looting Americans had been paying tribute 1801 Pasha of Tripoli cut down flagstaff of American Consulate America fights for four years – ends up paying peace treaty of $60,000
What is Jefferson’s Foreign Policy? He is a Democratic-Republican Democrat’s side with French
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark Expedition
An Economic Impasse 1805 Battle of Trafalgar – England smashes French and Spanish fleets 1806 Orders in Council – ports closed under French continental control to foreign shipping – vessels must first stop at British port
The Chesapeake
EMBARGO OF 1807 Intended to bring England’s textile manufacturing to it’s knee’s and end impressement Hurt American manufacturing Some Democratic-Republicans joined Federalist Party
Effects of 1807 Embargo Smuggling Nonintercourse Act – trade reopened with all countries except France and England U.S. Manufacturing increases Two days before U.S. declares War of 1812 – Orders of Council rescinded
JAMES MADISON Virginian Presidential dynasty continues Former Secretary of State under Thomas Jefferson Will break with Neutrality as foreign policy
Economic Showdown NonIntercourse Act of 1809 set to expire in 1810 To aid U.S. trade Congress adopts Macon’s Bill No. 2 If either France or England restored commercial restrictions – U.S. would restore nonimportation against nonrepealing nations
What are the ramifications of this decision? Who Will U.S. align with? What are the ramifications of this decision?
WAR OF 1812 Formal reasons behind declaration of War Impressment Merchants ships seized Native Americans Armed by British Other reasons Balance of power is shifting Westward in U.S. War Hawks win control of House of Representatives Speaker of House Henry Clay - KY
Tecumseh Shawnee Brother – The Prophet Last ditch battle to keep American’s out of Kentucky No Indian shall cede control of land to whites unless all Indians agree
Battles Tippecanoe – November 1811, William Henry Harrison Tecumseh dies Battle of the Thames – Confederacy dies with him Battle of Horseshoe Bend – March 1814- Andrew Jackson
What do the WarHawks want?
Three Pronged Attack Forces invade Canada Detroit Niagara Lake Champlain All driven back across Canadian border
Lake Erie Oliver Hazard Perry “We have met the enemy and he is ours”
Major Battles Ft. McHenry Baltimore Washington D.C. – White House burns
Treaty of Ghent Russia needs England’s help with Napoleon Russia brokers peace between the “Anglo’s” Armistice – return to prewar status
Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson – becomes a hero Britain blunders badly – preparing frontal assault to Jackson’s forces 2,000 British forces die Battle was fought after Treaty of Ghent was signed
Death of the Federalist Party Hartford Convention held 1814-1815 – before news of the Treaty of Ghent Federalists pass resolution Compensation for lost trade, embargo’s require 2/3 Congressional vote
Federalists Lose Power It is considered “treasonous” to be known as a Federalist
Rush Bagot Agreement 1817 Britain and the United States Ends British/American skirmishes on Great Lakes