Jeffersonian Democracy & The Early Republic PART 5 Topic 9 Jeffersonian Democracy & The Early Republic PART 5
APUSH PowerPoint #4.1 (Part 5 of 6) Unit #4 – Overlapping Revolutions Chapters 7-8 BFW Textbook TOPIC – Jeffersonian Democracy & Early Republic [1801-1816]
D. Madison & Clinton Elected in 1808
President James Madison 4th President 1809—1817 Party: Democratic-Republican Home State: Virginia Vice President: George Clinton & Elbridge Gerry
President James Madison Domestic Hartford Convention (1814) Initiated the “Age of Nationalism” Supported Henry Clay’s “American System” Foreign Dealt with Native American Armed Resistance against “Tecumseh” President during the War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent of1814
E. The Drift Toward War Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 Passed in the last few days of Jefferson’s presidency. Overturned the Embargo Act of 1807. Re-established trade with European nations and led to issues with the British and French. Macon’s Bill No. 2 Trade Restrictions with Britain & France
Tecumseh- A Shawnee from the Ohio River Valley who organized armed resistance against settlers. Battle of Tippecanoe (1811)- Battle fought between the United States led by William Henry Harrison and Native Americans.
William Henry Harrison- Governor of Indiana territory who was sent to put down Native American uprisings in the NW Territory. Earned the nickname, “Tippecanoe” after his victory.
F. Madison’s Request for War President Madison Madison’s presidency was involved in foreign affairs from his inauguration, and on June 16, 1812, Madison asked Congress for a declaration of war – of course, he had to create an army and re-tool the navy. The frigate – U.S.S. Constitution
War Hawks- Americans who favored war against Britain for the following reasons (generally from the south and western regions of the United States) . . . Impressment of Americans into the British Navy. Arming Native Americans in the NW Territory. Preventing United States trade with foreign nations.
John C. Calhoun- Senator from South Carolina (representing the interests of the South) who favored war with Britain. Henry Clay- Representative from Kentucky (representing the interests of the West) who favored war with Britain. Calhoun Clay
END This is the end of PPT 4.1 (Part 5) See PPT 4.1 (Part 6) to complete this topic.