Chapter 5: Ethical Issues in Research and Scholarship SFM 651: Research Methods Dr. Johnson
Scientific misconduct Scientific misconduct is Fabrication, Falsification or Plagiarism in Proposing, Performing, Reviewing research or in Reporting Research results
7 areas of dishonesty Plagiarism Fabrication and falsification Nonpublication of data Faulty data-gathering procedures Poor data storage and retention Misleading authorship Unacceptable publication practices
Plagerism Using ideas, concepts, writings or drawings of others as your own…..cheating Can be fired Can cause a problem for the rest of your career
Fabrication and falsification Making up or altering data Could be “seeing what you expect” Interpreting the written work of others incorrectly
Nonpublication of data Not using certain pieces of data Better results without them Outlier – unrepresentative scores Sometimes can be dismissed Sometimes not
Faulty data-gathering procedures Using nonqualified participants Equiptment issues Inappropriate treatment of participant Incorrect data recording
Poor data storage and retention How did you say you would do this Needs to remain that way Keep for 3 years after publication
Misleading authorship First author Lead study 2nd and 3rd author Should be listed in order of contribution Don’t list them if they didn’t do the work
Unacceptable publication practices Advisor should be the 2nd author on thesis or dissertation Professors need publications for tenure / promotion Cant publish the same paper in two journals
Copyright Fair use of copyright Purpose – how will it be used What is OK for someone to copy Purpose – how will it be used Nature – personal use? Amount – how much or how many Effect – will it effect sales?
Sanctions Pg 90 Fired Fined Letter in file
Grad student jobs Do the right thing Even if it is hard Sometimes will get outside pressure to do it quickly….even wrong
Protecting participants Is there any harm that may come to them Rights Privacy Anonymous Confidential Expect responsibility
Protecting participants May spend a lot of time with participants Protect them Protect self Always keep participants safe
Informed consent Fair explanation of procedures Description of discomforts and risks Description of benefits Disclosure of alternate procedures Offer to answer questions Free to withdraw anytime