England, like many countries, has experienced invasions throughout its history. The first Roman invasion of the lands we now call the British Isles took place in 55 B.C. In the year 43.A.D., an expedition was ordered against Britain by the Emperor Claudius, who sent an army of 40,000 men. Establishing their bases in what is now Kent, the Romans subdued much of Britain and stayed for nearly 400 years.
In what is now England, Roman life prospered In what is now England, Roman life prospered. Essentially urban, it was able to integrate the native tribes into a town-based governmental system. The Romans gave private encouragement and official assistance to the building of temples, public squares and good houses. One of the greatest achievements of the Roman Empire was its system of roads, in Britain no less than elsewhere. When the legions arrived in a country with virtually no roads at all, as Britain was in the first century A.D.
In what is now England, Roman life prospered In what is now England, Roman life prospered. Essentially urban, it was able to integrate the native tribes into a town-based governmental system. The Romans gave private encouragement and official assistance to the building of temples, public squares and good houses. One of the greatest achievements of the Roman Empire was its system of roads, in Britain no less than elsewhere. When the legions arrived in a country with virtually no roads at all, as Britain was in the first century A.D.
The influence of Roman thought survived in Britain only through the Church. Christianity had thoroughly replaced the old Celtic gods by the close of the 4th Century, as the history of Pelagius and St. Patrick testify. Other invasions were to follow throughout England’s history: the Saxon’s, Vikings, and Normans. In each episode, new ideas, practices, and people were integrated into society.
Diversity in London Today The London region is, by some distance, the most ethnically diverse in Britain. People from ethnic minority groups made up 40% of its population at the time of the 2001 census. Greater London is the metropolitan area which includes the City of London and the 32 London boroughs. The region has a population of over 7.1 million and covers an area of 1,579 square kilometres (approx. twice the size of New York City). The population density is 4,761 people per square kilometres, more than ten times greater than that of any other English region. The average population of each borough is around 250,000. Only nine of the 32 boroughs were considered less than 'highly diverse' (that is, a less than 50 per cent chance that two people chosen at random will belong to the same ethnic group.
Diversity in London Today Within Greater London, more than 50 ethnic groups are represented in numbers of 10,000 or more. Nearly three-quarters of England's total Black African population live in London, as do six out of ten Black Caribbeans, half the Bangladeshi population, one in four Indians, a third each of England's White Irish, Mixed, and Chinese populations, and one in five Pakistanis. Out of every 1,000 people, on average: 597 are White British 120 are Asian 114 are White non-British 109 are Black 32 are of mixed race 11 are Chinese In 2001, 25% of people living in Greater London were born abroad.
What Does Diversity Offer?
What Does Diversity Offer? Ideas Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park is an especially interesting insight at current issues and concerns of the “man-on-the-street,” as well as the off-beat. Conversations with the locals will provide a unique opportunity to hear, first-hand, how Londoners’ views differ from your own. Just remember, “football” is what they call “soccer.”
What Does Diversity Offer? Language Despite sharing a common language, you will find you do not understand many English words or that words are used in different situations. “Lorry,” “loo,” “lift,” “pram,” “sorry,” “tin,” and “braces.” Check out http://www.effingpot.com/index.shtml for a good grounding in “English.”
What Does Diversity Offer? Entertainment Street entertainment is quite common in large cities and London is no different. You will find, however, what are popular forms of entertainment may differ considerably from what you are accustomed. Food English cuisine has never be accused of threatening the dominance of any other country’s food. While you may not find a traditional “kidney pie” appetizing, London offers a great variety of foreign restaurants from which to choose. Just to say you “did it,” save a lunch for traditional “fish and chips.”
What Does Diversity Offer? People Sit on a bench and “people-watch” for a while. You’ll be amazed.