The President
Who is qualified? 35 years old Native-born American citizen U.S. resident for at least 14 years
What do they have in common? So far, they have all been: White Males (except for one) Protestants (except for one) Almost all have been: College-educated Lawyers
How do we elect the president? Electoral College Indirect method for electing the president When we vote, we are voting for electors from our state who are pledged to vote for the candidate *This was one of the compromises at the Constitutional Convention
How does the electoral college work? Senators + Representatives = # of Electors given to each state States with larger populations have more electoral votes
How are electoral college votes counted? To win, a candidate must win at least 270 of the 538 electoral college votes In almost all states, the votes follow a winner-take-all system We usually know the winner on election night Official electoral college vote isn’t until December 270 to win
How long are presidents’ terms in office? Constitution: 4 year terms 22nd Amendment: 2 terms or 10 years
What are the benefits to being president? Salary: $400,000 $$ for expenses and travel Live in the White House - private movie theater, gym, bowling alley, heated pool Domestic staff of 80 to help take care of President’s family Camp David – estate in Maryland Cars, helicopters, planes – Air Force One
Vice President Elected with the president through the Electoral College system Same qualifications as president Constitution doesn’t give much authority to the vice president Preside over the Senate, vote in case of a tie Becomes president if the president dies or is unable to serve
What is succession? Presidential Succession Act 1947 Line of succession after the vice president 25th Amendment: Vice President becomes president and then picks another VP
American foreign policy Plan for dealing with other countries Basic goal: National Security
International trade Agreements / rules with other nations about what products may be traded
Promoting World Peace Wars in other places can disrupt trade or draw us into a foreign conflict
Promote democracy around the world Promoting democracy and human rights promotes peace and helps our national security goals
Treaty Formal agreement between the governments of 2 or more countries Approved by the Senate Defense, trade NATO
Executive Agreement Agreement between the president and the leader of another country Does not need Senate approval
Ambassadors Official representative of our country’s government in another country Approved by the Senate Embassy
Trade Sanctions Efforts to punish another nation by imposing trade barriers
Embargo Similar to trade sanctions, except it is an agreement between a group of nations that prohibits them all from trading with a target nation Also an effort to punish a nation
Foreign Aid Money, food, assistance, supplies to help other countries
Military Force Commander-in-chief can use the military to carry out foreign-policy decisions
Federal Bureaucracy