Introduction Checklist
Setting Sentence Is it one sentence (not two or more)? Does it introduce the reader to the general historical subject of the essay? Does it attempt to answer the question or does it sound like a thesis? (It shouldn’t) Does it seem to fit in with the rest of the intro? Does it “flow?”
Concession Sentence Is it one sentence (not two or more)? Does it acknowledge the alternate argument first (usually starting with While or Although)? Does it provide a hint as to the thesis?
Subtopic Sentences Is each sentence only one sentence? Does each sentence have a clearly identifiable subtopic? Does each sentence answer the “task” question (TWE were they captains/barons?)? Does it offer analysis? Does it answer How? Why? or In What Way? Is it too vague (you could’ve guessed this)? Is it too specific (it lists evidence)?
Thesis Statement Is it one sentence (not two or more)? Does it answer the question directly and rather bluntly? Does it “agree” with the comment/concession and the subtopic sentences? Does it introduce any new ideas or arguments? (It shouldn’t) Does is repeat the subtopic sentences? (It shouldn’t)