Paper 1: the logistics
What is Paper 1? 4 sources 4 questions 1 hour (plus 5 minutes of reading time)
Sources Both primary and secondary sources. Length of each may vary but total length should not exceed 750 words. One of the four sources will be a visual rather than text-based source Photograph, cartoon, table of stats, graph, or map
Questions 1 Two parts that will assess your historical comprehension of the sources. You do not need to give your own detailed knowledge in your response, however your contextual understanding will help you understand the content and message. The only question that asks you to explain the content and meaning.
Question 1 Part a—3 marks Part b—2 marks Make at least three separate points Do not repeat the same point Do not overly rely on quotes—make your point and then briefly quote two or three words of the source in support. Part b—2 marks Make two clear points For each point, refer specifically to the content of the source to provide evidence for your answer
Question 2 4 marks OPCVL Organization options: Set up in two paragraphs—one on limitations and one on value Set up in three paragraphs—one for O, P, and C
Question 3 6 marks Compare and contrast two sources Make at least six points—be as balanced as possible The keys focus on how the sources are different not why they are different Mention both sources in each sentence—they are looking for ‘linkage’
Question 4 9 marks Mini-essay Requires you to synthesize material from the sources with your own knowledge.
Plan for 25 minutes Introduction Body Conclusion Brief—sentence or two This should be your thesis Body Use BTS Use ALL sources Refer to sources directly as Source A, Source B, and so on Use brief quotes Include your own detailed knowledge—integrate this in to other paragraphs Conclusion Brief sentence which should answer the question and line up with your evidence
Synthesize the sources with your own knowledge The key = this is an essay—don’t just list material from the sources, analysis is required. Synthesize the sources with your own knowledge This is supported by the information given in Source. . . Source A suggests that . . .and this is supported by the fact that . . . **You need to make sure you have enough time to answer this question as it is worth the most—9 points.