Good Vibrations! 5.6 The student knows that energy occurs in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns, and systems. The student is expected to: (a) Explore the uses of energy, including mechanical, light, thermal, electrical, and sound energy
Name that Sound! What sounds do you hear? Click on each icon to hear a sound, can you guess the sound? How are these sounds produced? VIBRATIONS!!!
Question 1: A sound can be produced by all of the following except: A) Hitting a baseball with a bat. B) Talking. C) Striking a tuning fork against your hand. D) Shining a flashlight
Answer ‘D’ is correct. Shining a flashlight is a form of light energy, not sound energy.
Pitch is the product of the rate, or frequency of vibrations. The more vibrations that occur during a set amount of time, the higher the pitch goes. The less vibrations occurring during lower the pitch. MORE VIBRATIONS LESS VIBRATIONS
Question 2: Look at sound waves ‘1’ and ‘2’ ‘1’ and ‘2’ represent two different sound waves. Which of the following is a true statement: A) Both waves will sound the same. B) Wave ‘1’ is higher in pitch. c C) Wave ‘2’ is louder. d D) Wave ‘1’ is lower in pitch.
Answer ‘D’ is correct. The fewer the vibrations per second, the lower the pitch. Answer ‘A’ is incorrect. The waves differ in both the decibel level and pitch. Answer ‘B’ is incorrect. The closer the waves are together, the higher the pitch. Answer ‘C’ is incorrect. The larger the amplitude (shown by the height of the waves) the louder the sound.
Sounds travel from one place to another through thin air. They can also travel through liquids and solids. This is called SOUND TRANSFER.
Question 3: In which of these locations would sound not be heard? In outer space B) Under water C) Through a door D) On a bridge
Answer ‘A’ is the correct answer. Sound travels when matter vibrates Answer ‘A’ is the correct answer. Sound travels when matter vibrates. Outer space would be quiet since matter is not vibrating.
Question 4: Which of the following would produce a sound? A) Observing a stack of coins. B) Shaking a jar with coins in it. C) Looking at a photograph of a rock concert. D)A space ship traveling in outer space.
Answer ‘B’ is correct. In order to have sound you need to have matter vibrate. In this case the coins would be hitting each other and the jar causing vibrations. The vibrations of the coins would cause the air particles to vibrate, which in turn would cause your ear to vibrate and allow you to hear the sounds produced. Answers ‘A’ and ‘C’ are incorrect because there is no movement, and therefore no vibration. Answer ‘D’ is incorrect because the vacuum (emptiness) of space has nothing to transmit sound waves.
Question 5: Which of the following is a true statement? The intense heat of lightning causes the air to expand rapidly causing thunder. The intense heat of the lightning causes the surrounding air to catch on fire. Loud thunder claps cause lightning strikes. The movement of rain drops through the cloud causes thunder.
Answer ‘A’ is correct. The heat of the lightning causes the air to rapidly expand forming sound waves. Thunder is simply vibrating air. It is not dangerous, simply loud. Answer ‘B’ is incorrect. Since clouds are made up mainly of water, there is nothing to burn. The hydrogen in water is already oxidized. Answer ‘C’ is incorrect. Thunder is caused by lightning, not the other way around. Answer ‘D’ is incorrect. The movement of water drops is not directly responsibly for thunder.
Look at the four pictures below. Which object will produce a sound? Question 6: Look at the four pictures below. Which object will produce a sound? A B C D
Only the tuning fork will produce the vibrations needed to make sounds when it strikes another object. Answer “D” is correct.