The Pegasus Equity Portfolio Dashboard The Pegasus Dashboard component is provided to all Pegasus customers FREE of charge. The Pegasus Dashboard is a useful tool that enables a Member to monitor the current capital allocations of the Pegasus Model Portfolio and to replicate the changing capital allocations if they feel it is an appropriate position for their own investing goals. As an upgrade, there is an enhanced version which allows the investor to directly import investment positions from select brokers and to fully manage their entire investment portfolio on an semi-automated basis. In both cases, important information from the Pegasus Team is provided to help our Members to effectively manage their capital allocations in a changing market environment.
Pegasus Portfolio Dashboard Welcome Screen with Guiding Principles
Pegasus Portfolio Beta and Relative Exposure Risk Analysis
Pegasus Portfolio Positions, Income, and Gains & Losses & Net Liquidation Value
Pegasus Portfolio Portfolio Valuation and Profitability Portfolio Values are Automatically Recalculated at the of Each Trading Day
Pegasus Portfolio Capital Allocation & Deployment Model Portfolio Capital Allocations are Automatically Applied to Your Dashboard so you can Easily See any Unallocated Capital and you can Take the Appropriate Action to Bring Your Portfolio Insync With the Model. We Even Calculate the Tranche Size (periodic capital deployment amount) to Make it as Easy & Simple as Possible.
Pegasus Portfolio Capital Allocation Configuration Weekly Change Keeping Track of the Capital Allocation Changes Could Not Be Any More Simple & Straightforward
Pegasus Portfolio Long Exposure – Hedged Exposure – Relative Performance The Model Portfolio Adds Exposure and Hedges Positions Depending on the State of the Market. This Provides for Compounding Not Found in Other Portfolio Strategies
Personal Pegasus Dashboard Each Member will have access to their own Portfolio Dashboard thru the Pegasus website. Members simple enter an initial capital amount and subsequent transactions and all portfolio allocations are automatically calculated based on the Model Portfolio Allocations. Members will be notified by email when changes to the Model Portfolio are made. Members will receive a comprehensive report of the Model Portfolio each weekend explaining all relevant issues. Members will receive Market Master each weekend providing a complete analysis of the state of the U.S. equity markets. Members can then take positions in their own portfolio if they feel it prudent and appropriate for their own investment styles and goals. Members will receiving notifications and capital allocations based strictly on the Model portfolio, none of which should be construed as investment advice and is not provided based on any knowledge of an individual members personal situation.
Thank you for using the Pegasus Dashboard Your Dashboard is unique to you and is not shared in any way with our service provider or Pegasus Portfolios. You may stop using the Pegasus Dashboard at any time while continuing your Pegasus subscription. We have a Getting Started page on the site. To get there click on the name in the upper right, then on Help, and Getting Started. Here is a direct link:
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