Standard RFP Documents for hiring Consultants K.N. Venkata Raman Procurement Consultant, World Bank
RFP documents –current status No standard document prescribed by GOK; Procurement entities are devising their own documents some times based o World Bank or ADB or JBIC documents
Standard RFP documents Twelve standard RFP documents finalized and approved by Standing Committee for various combinations of selection method and type of contract; GOK proposes to mandate; Issue of order under process
RFP Document – K/C-1 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value less than Rs.10 lakhs; Quality-Cost Based Selection; Time Based contract; No Arbitration.
RFP Document –K/C-2 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value more than Rs.10 lakhs; Quality-Cost Based Selection; Time Based contract; Arbitration by sole Arbitrator.
RFP Document- K/C-3 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value less than Rs.10 lakhs; Quality-Cost Based Selection; Lump sum contract; No Arbitration.
RFP Document – K/C-4 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value more than Rs.10 lakhs; Quality-Cost Based Selection; Lump sum contract; Arbitration by Sole Arbitrator
RFP Document – K/C-5 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value less than Rs.10 lakhs; Least Cost Selection; Time Based contract; No Arbitration.
RFP Document –K/C-6 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value more than Rs.10 lakhs; Least Cost Selection; Time Based contract; Arbitration by Sole Arbitrator
RFP Document – K/C-7 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value less than Rs.10 lakhs; Least cost Selection; Lump sum contract; No Arbitration.
RFP Document – K/C-8 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value More than Rs.10 lakhs; Least cost Selection; Lump sum contract; Arbitration by sole Arbitrator
RFP Document – K/C-9 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value less than Rs.5 lakhs; Single Source Selection; Time Based contract; No Arbitration.
RFP Document K/C-10 Hiring of Firms/Organizations/NGOs contract value less than Rs.5 lakhs; Single Source Selection; Lump sum contract; No Arbitration.
RFP Document – K/C-11 Hiring of Individuals contract value less than Rs.1 lakh; Single Source Selection; Time Based contract; No Arbitration.
RFP Document – K/C-12 Hiring of Individualds contract value less than Rs.1 lakh; Single Source Selection; Lump sum contract; No Arbitration.