Using Computers in Children’s Collaborative Writing Ya-hui Chung 2/21/2019
Brainstorming Activity Description: Children use Kidspiration as a brainstorming tool to plan their collaborative story. Grade: Kindergarten Time: 30-40 minutes Curriculum Goals: To help children learn how to use computers as a learning tool for writing. 2/21/2019
Curriculum Standards Illinois Learning Standards: NETS Standards: 3.B.1a Use prewriting strategies to generate and organize ideas 3.B.1b Demonstrate focus, organization, elaboration and integration in written compositions NETS Standards: 2. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using technology in the classroom. 3. Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. 2/21/2019
Prerequisite Skills mouse skills, open and exit program, create and save a file. know how to use multi-media authoring software, e.g. KidPix or Kidspiration 2/21/2019
Warm-up Activities Read a story from books to stimulate children’s thinking. Tell children that you want to write a story and you need their help. Connect the computer to the projector and open Kidspiration. Ask children to brainstorm with you for your story. 2/21/2019
Brainstorming Activity Tell children that they are going to work on a collaborative writing project and explain the goals and objectives of the project. Pair students Ask them to brainstorm their story by using Kidspiration. Suggest students planning their stories by thinking: who, where, when, how, why. Provide assistance with children during their writing process. Print out children’s work and ask children to share their work during the large group time. 2/21/2019