DoIT FY09 IT Budget Review New Mexico Department of Public Safety Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) / Records Management System (RMS) Project State Library / Yucca Room # 2022 October 23, 2007
EXECUTIVE STAKEHOLDERS Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) / Records Management System (RMS) Project Change Request EXECUTIVE STAKEHOLDERS Secretary Greg Fouratt, DPS Chief Pete N Kassetas, State Police Information Technology Division Chief Information Officer, Ron Burton DPS Business Owner, Kimberly Clark
CAD The New Mexico Department of Public Safety is planning the replacement of the existing Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system with an integrated CAD and Records Management System (RMS). CAD is one of the core systems DPS provides to the State Police and other Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). CAD is the system used to dispatch 911 calls out to the officers, map the call location in the dispatch center, provide Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) for officers in the field, and provide National Crime Information Center (NCIC) access within the application. CAD is essential in providing rapid response from LEAs to crime/incident scenes. The current CAD has been in place for over 10 years, and is at end of life.
CAD / RMS One of the primary missions of DPS is to support LEAs throughout the State of New Mexico with their mission in protecting citizens. DPS fulfills this through a variety of means, including access to federal and state criminal justice data and systems, direct technical support and providing use of the DPS CAD system to Sierra, Valencia and Luna Counties. The mission critical nature of the CAD system, and the impending discontinuation of vendor support, increase the urgency of replacing CAD in the very near future.
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) / Records Management System (RMS) Planning Project The purpose of this request is to continue the planning phase to include: Selected CAD vendor contract negotiations Continue selected IV&V vendor contract negotiations DPS was allocated $300,000 in FY13 and has used $50,000 for project initiation and $244,079 for Planning RFP DPS is requesting $550,000 of allocated funds to continue the planning phase of the project
CAD/RMS Major Project Deliverable Budget Due Date Project and Performance Measure THIS WAS COMPLETED IN THE INITIATION PHASE Consultant to assist with CAD/RMS analysis $50,000 1/31/13 Initiate Current Environment (Technical and Business) Assessment 1/31/13 Peer and Best Practices Summary 1/31/13 Vendor Market and Capability Summary 1/31/13 Future CAD/RMS Business and Technical Overview 1/31/13 Alternatives Analysis 1/31/13 Identify Gaps between Current and Future Environments 1/31/13 Determine Functional and Technical Priorities 1/31/13 Total $50,000
CAD/RMS Major Project Deliverable Budget Due Date Project and Performance Measure THIS HAS BEEN COMPLETED TO DATE IN PLANNING Analysis/Recommendations Report, Creating CAD RFP $127,688 12/20/13 Planning Consultant for CAD Business Analysis $ 52,421 06/25/14 Planning Consultant to update map data $ 61,877 06/25/14 Planning Consultant help to create RMS RFP $ 52,093 06/30/14 Planning Consultant help to evaluate CAD RFP Responses $ 40,015 03/30/15 Planning Total $ 334,094
CAD/RMS Major Project Deliverable Budget Due Date Project and Performance Measure THIS CHANGE ORDER WILL FUND THE FOLLOWING ESTIMATED COSTS Consultant help to evaluate CAD RFP Responses $ 40,000 03/30/15 Planning (Work has been completed) Professional Services for IV&V $100,000 01/20/17 Planning (IV&V will be ongoing through project completion) Professional Services Mapping and Network $ 70,000 08/30/15 Planning Hardware $330,000 08/30/15 Planning Software $ 10,000 06/30/15 Planning Total $550,000
CAD/RMS Project Timeline
Effect on DoIT Infrastructure All purchases will meet DoIT Guidelines for hardware and software requirements. No additional infrastructure impact is projected. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OF THIS CAD / RMS REQUEST.