Friends and Partners NBAA 2003 JoAnn Y. Ford Manager, Aerospace Weather Standards Division, ARS-200 Aerospace Weather Policy and Standards Staff
ASOS Preplanned Product Improvements (P3I) (FAA Priorities) Processor Upgrade Dewpoint Sensor Ice Free Wind Sensor Enhance Precipitation Identification Improve Ceilometer & Sensor Algorithms Improve Visibility Sensors & Algorithms All Weather Precipitation Accumulation Gauge (AWPAG) Snow Depth/Accumulation Sensor (Non-funded requirement)
FY04 FAA allocation for ASOS P3I is $4M - Total FY04 baseline ASOS funding is $9.125M
ACU Processor Upgrades Performance Parameter – Increase processing speed and memory to improve performance and allow new sensor upgrades Processor prerequisite to PI sensor deployments 135 of 883 installed as of 9/30/03 Resolved Key Issue: a few sites were experiencing FAA/ALDARS Comms problems; now releasing additional processors for installation; est. all processors installed by 12/31/03
ACU Processor Upgrade NWS/FAA Current NWS Milestone Baseline
ASOS PI – Dewpoint Sensor Phased deployment paced by ACU processor and FAA funding 356 of 883 sites approved for phased deployment 38 sites currently operating 405 sensors delivered in 2002; 280 additional ordered September 2003 Sensor performance to date is excellent
Dewpoint Sensor NWS/FAA Current NWS Milestone Baseline
ASOS PI Ice Free Wind Sensor Improvement Description Ultrasonic sensor No moving parts 0 to 125 knot range 1 knot, 1 degree resolution Accuracy + 2 knots/3% speed, + 4 degrees direction Controlled heating of transducers Selectable 1-30 second averaging ASOS to use 5 second speed, WMO Standard 3 second gust Manufacturer - Vaisala
Ice Free Wind Sensor NWS/FAA Current NWS Milestone Baseline
ASOS PI – Enhanced Precipitation Identifier Contracts awarded July 11 to Optical Scientific and Vaisala for both COTS evaluation and development phases Deployment begins December 2005 ASOS PI – Ceilometer Replacement Acquisition plan, statement of work, specification in preparation Solicitation to be issued by October 2003 Contract awards for COTS evaluation phase to be made by June 2004 Deployment begins August 2006
Enhanced Precipitation Identifier NWS/FAA Current NWS Milestone Baseline
Ceilometer Replacement NWS/FAA Current NWS Milestone Baseline
ASOS Configuration Control Board (ACCB) Initiatives (not all-inclusive list) Change thunderstorm reporting range thresholds for SPECIs Freezing drizzle algorithm Connect NWS ASOS sites to ADAS for ITWS Modify pressure sensor yes/no prompt Delete RVRNO code
Automated Weather Sensor Developments ALDARS Installation ASOS RVR Modification ASOS-ATIS Interface Stand Alone Weather Sensors (SAWS)
Friends and Partners Initiatives General Discussion SPECI transmission anytime – testing will be completed at initial sites in December 2003; deployment to all 883 sites will take several months AOP/AAF-1 letter was signed; ADAS integration into National Airspace Performance Reporting System (NAPRS) ASOS Internet availability Perceived Tower and SFC VSBY Discrepancies version 0.05