Junaid A.B. Zaman et al. JACEP 2017;3:393-402 Rotational Activity at FIRM-Mapped Rotor, Where Ablation Terminated AF to Atrial Tachycardia In this 61-year-old man with persistent AF, unipolar AF electrograms confirm rotation around rotor core. (A) Electrograms (unipoles) and dV/dt (first derivative, green) shown, with 1 cycle annotated (red lines). (B) LA shell with activation map from the annotated cycle, demonstrating earliest-latest interaction in a rotational pattern. (C) Termination panel shows abrupt termination of AF to organized AT with ablation at this site, prior to any PVI. Black bar represents 1,000 ms. (D) Location on LA posterior wall of termination site (red) during ablation of rotor area (white). ECG = electrocardiogram; other abbreviations as in Figure 1. Junaid A.B. Zaman et al. JACEP 2017;3:393-402 2017 American College of Cardiology Foundation