Ag.No. 1 Welcome & Agenda Timings


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Presentation transcript:

Ag.No. 1 Welcome & Agenda Timings Doc.A6465/18/01 v1 (with invitations) Ag.No. 1 Welcome & Agenda Timings Working Group on Articles 64 and 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 21+22 March 2018

20th March 2

Content of this presentation Overview of draft agenda (as sent with invitation) Highlight agenda changes for the actual meeting Mergers/splittings Suppression/addition of documents Add indicative timings (and lunchbreak, evening event) Identify room documents 3

General structure of the meeting 10:00 – 17:30 Incl. 1 hr lunch break Evening meal Wednesday (mainly A64) 10:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 17:00 workshop Thursday (mainly A65) 4

The REM team 2018 5

Changes from the original agenda Change 20.2 Correct typing mistake: 2019 (not 2018) 6.1/6.2 Merge topics: Dissemination A64 + Improve annual report 8.2/9.2 Merge topics: A64 assessment 2014-17 intra-EU & extra-EU 8.3/8.4 Merge topics: FBS questionnaire + FBS progress and plans (scrap document A6465/18/08) 15.1/15.3 Merge topics: Dissemination A65 + Improve annual report 7 Suppress document A6465/18/06 (oral presentation instead) 10.4 Suppress document A6465/18/13 (oral presentation instead) 10 New document A6465/18/12: A64 Method Manuals 21 New document A6465/18/08: Workplan 2017-18 6

Agenda - part 1 : general issues Item Time END 1 Chairman’s introductory remarks and adoption of the Agenda 15 10h15 2_3 Final minutes of previous meeting (2016) and matters arising 10 10h25 4 Contextual information (political developments; staff numbers) DGHR 10h35 7

Agenda - part 2: Art.64 issues Item Time END 5.1-3 Eurostat Intermediate Reports 2016-2017 (Intra-EU, Extra-EU #1 and #2) 10 10h45 5.4-5 Eurostat Annual Report 2017 (A64 elements: JBLI, Intra-EU, Extra-EU, AnCat) 10h55 Coffee break 15 11h10 6.1-2 Dissemination of A64 results 25 11h35 7 Collaboration with international partners ICSC, ISRP 20 11h55 8.1 Intra-EU work (data lessons) 35 12h30 8.3-4 Family budget surveys (survey progress and planning) 13h05 Lunch break 55 14h00 8

Agenda - part 2: Art.64 issues, cont. Item Time END 8.5 Rents (EARS planning 2018) ISRP 15 14h15 9.1/9.3 Extra-EU work (data lessons; prepare 2018) 20 14h35 9.2 A64 assessment 2014-17 (Intra-EU and Extra-EU) 14h55 Coffee break 10 15h05 10.1 Price statistics briefing (HICP & ECP developments) C4 35 15h40 10.2-3 Updated A64 methodology manuals (JBLI, Intra-EU, Extra-EU) 30 16h10 10.4 Out-of-area expenditure 16h30 11.1-3 Preliminary A64 estimates for 2017-18 Intermediate Report (JBLI, CC) 45 17h15 (21) Any other business (workplan, dissemination) 17h25 Chairman's closing remarks from Day 1 5 17h30 9 (Evening social event 19h00)

MS actions on Day 1 Agenda Action 1 Adopt meeting agenda (Day 1) 2 Adopt minutes of last year's meeting (A64 part) 6.1/2 Improving A64 dissemination 8.3/4 Approve FBS timing 8.5 Confirm EARS planning + guidelines 9.3 Agree Extra-EU weights; data availability implications 8.2 / 9.2 Suggested statistics for Mid-Term Review 10.4 Opinion on out-of-area expenditure 12 (22.2) Approve document dissemination (A64 part) 10

Agenda - part 3: Art.65 issues Item Time END 13 Chairman’s introductory remarks (second day) 20 10h20 14 Eurostat Reports (annual; intermediate; annex2) 10h40 15.1 Dissemination of A65 results 25 11h05 15.2 Transparency consultation 5 11h10 Coffee break 15 11h25 16 Lessons from 2017 exercise (incl. assessment 2014-2017) 30 11h55 17 Advancing SRQ timing 12h25 18 A65 country manuals and assessments 12h45 Lunch break 60 13h45 11

Agenda - part 4: other issues Item Time END 19.1 Data collection (forecast Intermediate adjustment; definitive collection exercise) 45 14h30 19.2 Preliminary estimate for intermediate report 15 14h45 19 Salary benchmarking; International conference 15h00 20 Mission daily allowances 10 15h10 21 Any other business and Chairman's closing remarks (work plan, dissemination) 15h25 12

MS actions on Day 2 Agenda Action 13(1) Adopt meeting agenda (Day 2) 13(2) Adopt minutes of last year's meeting (A65 part) 15.1 Approve A65 dissemination proposals 16.1 Lessons from 2017 for 2018 exercise 16.2 Suggested statistics for Mid-Term Review 17 Agree SRQ 2018 organisational arrangements 18 Confirm A65 country assessments 19 Confirm forecast of country nominal specific indicator 20 Take note of international conference 21 Methodology for 2018 update of mission expenses 22.2 Approve document dissemination (A65 part) 13

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