By, Aaron Ms. Nelson Class 4-341 March 2006 Battle With the Snakes By, Aaron Ms. Nelson Class 4-341 March 2006
Table of Contents Slide 3 Introduction Slide 4 My story Slide 5 Problem Slide 6 Beginning Slide 7 Middle Slide 8 End Slide 9 Values Values10 Graphics information Slide 11 Picture of story
Introduction Haudenasaunee are called Iroquois, which means rattlesnakes, and Hadenasaunee means people of the long house. They prefer to be called Haudenasaunee. Haudenasaunee are people that use to live in New York state.
My Story My story is Battle With the Snakes from oral traditions by the Iroquois. Did you know in every oral tradition you learn a lesson like not to kill animals for no reason?
Problem My character from Battle With the Snakes faces having a war with snakes because he keeps killing snakes. If you don’t thank the spirits for giving food the animal spirits will get mad and that is how a war starts.
Beginning At the beginning, a man named Djisdaah, starts killing snakes. For no reason, Djisdaah hates all kinds of animals, especially snakes.
Middle At the middle of the story, the snakes start a war with the humans. They are mad because Djisdaah keeps killing their brothers and sisters.
End At the end of the story the snakes and the humans made a truce and a deal. The first deal was not to name anyone Djisdaah, and the second deal was to give all kinds of snakes respect.
Values The value that is taught is not to kill snakes. Trust me they will get you, if you don’t thank the spirits for giving you food.
Graphics Information The thinker¬word=&d=&c=&f=&lWord=&lField=&sScope=&sLevel=&sLabel=&num=0&imgs=12&total=72&pos=12, 3/20/06 Man and snake. http //¬word=&d=&c=&f=&lWord=&lField=&sScope=&sLevel=&sLabel=&num=0&imgs=12&total=4&pos=1, 3/20/06 War of snakes., 3/20/06 Snake., 3/20/06 War.¬word=&d=&c=&f=&lWord=&lField=&sScope=&sLevel=&sLabel=&imgs=12&pNum=, 3/28/06
Picture of Story
Information Resources All of the information in my presentation was found in my teachers website.