A Few Comments on HEP University Funding Stew Smith YPP Lunch at SLAC Jan 15, 2003
History of US HEP Funding After World War II the Office of Naval Research and the Atomic Energy Commission funded High Energy and Nuclear Physics research, mainly at Universities with accelerators (Berkeley, Columbia, Chicago, MIT, Cornell, Princeton, Michigan, ……). 1949 – Rabi launches first National Lab at Brookhaven, for facilities too large for individual Universities. Funded by AEC. Berkeley, Argonne, SLAC, and Fermilab followed as national HEP labs. 1968 – AEC and NSF assume stewardship of HEP from ONR. AEC took most big groups, NSF took Columbia and U. Chicago. Many new smaller groups funded by NSF in 60’s. AEC becomes ERDA becomes DoE. ~ 1975 -- CESR turned down by DoE, picked up by NSF. Jan 15, 2002 YPP Meeting at SLAC
US University Program Usually a common grant with several tasks. Potential barriers between tasks vary from institute to institute. Wide range in size and funding of institutes – often the large groups are those that once possessed on-site accelerators and still have significant surviving infrastructure. Theory is funded separately. Marvellous Funding by State of Texas for SSC R&D during early 1990’s. Still has impact today on Univ. R&D capability. Line Item NSF Projects; e.g. RSVP at Brookhaven; ICECube;Underground Lab. There are special programs for young faculty NSF Career Awards DoE Outstanding Young Investigator Awards Some possibilities for independent awards Cotttrell Research fellowships (~$25K) Sloan Fellowships Jan 15, 2002 YPP Meeting at SLAC
Flavours of Univ. funding Base grant – mainly for scientific staff and operations Faculty paid in summer Postdocs all year Dwindling support for technical personnel Supplemental funding via Univ. Program Apparatus funding for projects Temporary technical support for specific projects Financial Plan Transfers or Purchase Orders BaBar Universities received funds via SLAC NSF has special apparatus grants For University funding profiles and histories, see http://doe-hep.hep.net/funded_inst.htm Jan 15, 2002 YPP Meeting at SLAC
Present situation Jan 15, 2002 YPP Meeting at SLAC