AP Geo 9
Starter Give me an example of: (try to think of ones we haven’t talked about in class) Hierarchical diffusion Contagious diffusion Relocation diffusion Do any of these have a hearth?
Fidget spinners
The flu
“This is what happens when you post a link to a $23 dress on Amazon to a female meteorologist Facebook group.”
Christian missionaries attempted to convert kings or tribal leaders in the hopes their people would follow
Chinese Porcelain
Globalization The expansion of economic, political, and cultural processes to the point that they become global in scale and impact. Doesn’t matter on state and international boundaries
GIS - Geographic information system
Computers! Username: student email Password: summit (Student ID #) First name . Last name @ summitbears.org Example: Captain.America@summitbears.org Password: summit (Student ID #) Example: summit1234 IF YOU CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD YOU NEED TO TELL ME!!!!