Warm Up 10/24 Write everything you know about the following Dynasties: Qin Han
Logistics We are going to push the wrap-up work from Chinese Dynasties to tomorrow for time reasons. Mr Best will be absent on Friday.
Dynasties of China For the back page, think about: Which dynasties made the most significant contributions to China? Which dynasties would have been the nicest to live in? Which dynasties had the worst failures?
Notes: Qin and Han The First Qin Emperor believed in Legalism—a philosophy that demanded harsh laws and tyrannical government. Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, are killed under his reign.
Notes: Qin and Han After his death, a civil war occurs and the Han Dynasty comes into power. The Han dynasty is the longest lasting Imperial Dynasty. The Han Dynasty replaces Legalism with Confucianism, making the laws much more moderate.
Assignment: Both systems can be compared by asking the following questions. What are people like? What are the desired traits of a person? How should the government act?
Task: Confucianism vs Legalism Turn and Talk: Which do you think is most accurate in its assessment of human nature? Which do you think is a better policy for a well-run government?