How to find stars in the sky?
Historia astronomii. (Krzysiu)
Polaris (Northern Star) Constellations Bears Polaris (Northern Star) The Little Bear The Great Bear
Constellations How to find Polaris?
Dragon / Draco Northern Crown Hercules Bootes Constellations Dragon / Draco Northern Crown Acturus Pearl Hercules Bootes
Constellations How to find Arcturus Arcturus
Constellations Vega Arcturus
Summer Triangle Lyra Swan Eagle Gwiazdozbiory Constellations Vega Lyra Swan Deneb Eagle Altair
Constellations Pleiades Bull
Constellations Castor Pollux Gemini / Twins
Constellations M44 -> Beehive Cancer
Constellations Regulus Lion
Constellations Antares Scorpion
Interesting objects Multiple stars Mizar & Alkor Mizar Alkor
Interesting objects Multiple Stars Epsilons of Lyra
Obiects from Meisser's catalogue Pegaz Andromeda
Obiects from Meisser's catalogue Interesting objects Obiects from Meisser's catalogue M 13
Thanks for attention