The new Bulgarian commemorative coin The copper commemorative coin is on a topic ‘125 Years since the Birth of Dimcho Debelyanov’ and is in circulation from 19 March 2012
Technical specifications of the coin Year of issue – 2012 Nominal value – BGN 2 Alloy – Cu 999/1000 Quality – proof Weight – 16.4 g Diameter – 34.2 mm Edge – flat Mintage – 5,000 The price of the coin on sale at the BNB cash desks is BGN 18 (eighteen levs) VAT included
Obverse of the coin The obverse of the coin features the logo of the Bulgarian National Bank and the year ‘1879’ inscribed on the ribbon. ‘БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА’ (the Bulgarian National Bank), the nominal value ‘2 ЛЕВА’ (BGN 2) and the year of issue ‘2012’ are inscribed in circumference.
Reverse of the coin The reverse of the coin depicts an image of the poet Dimcho Debelyanov, the opening verse ‘Да се завърнеш в бащината къща...’ (Going back to your father’s house...) on the right and the inscription ‘125 ГОДИНИ ОТ РОЖДЕНИЕТО НА ДИМЧО ДЕБЕЛЯНОВ’ (125th anniversary of Dimcho Debelyanov’s birth).
Author of the artistic design is Vanya Dimitrova
Bulgarian National Bank. Issue and Cash Directorate Bulgarian National Bank Issue and Cash Directorate 1, Кnyaz Alexander І Sq. 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria