Recruiting and Retaining an Excellent CAP Faculty: A Chairs’ Perspective Steven P. Cuffe, M.D. Chair, Department of Psychiatry University of Florida College of Medicine- Jacksonville
Overview Description of the Division Recruitment/Retention Issues Salary Work/Life Balance /Wellness Academic/Scholarly/Teaching /Promotion Productivity metrics Leadership/Promotion
UFCOM Jax Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Small division with 6 faculty at the University All women except for me All with young children (except me) No University of Florida child psychiatric unit Inpatient and PHP is at partner, Wolfson Children’s Hospital, with their own child psychiatrists. Child psychiatrists from Wolfson have faculty appointment UFCOM Jax faculty don’t have inpatient call responsibility Built Department and Division over last 10 years Child Fellowship begins this July
Recruitment/Retention Issues Salary Based on Median/Mean AAMC Marginally helpful for child psychiatry Never used signing bonus I use administrative supplements to boost salary For example: Clerkship Director We get a defined amount of educational support for the Department, so adding new faculty does not increase this
Recruitment/Retention Issues Salary (Continued) Salary has been more of a retention issue for men Both male faculty I recruited left for private practice due to desire for higher income There is an incentive plan that rewards high productivity and can add up to $25,000 to salary Child faculty incentive has generally been in the $5,000 range Conclusion: Salary is a barrier to both recruitment and retention of faculty We have to “sell” the advantages of the academic environment We want faculty who value teaching and scholarly activity
Recruitment/Retention Issues Work/Life Balance Often critical for recruitment and retention Residents taking onsite call with faculty back-up For Child, it’s just telephone back-up Flexibility to work part-time Generally routine hours of work
Recruitment/Retention Issues Productivity Metrics We use patient billings to measure productivity, with a target for the year If they surpass the target, they can earn an incentive Resident and mid-level supervision billings are counted toward the faculty total Faculty have 9 half-days per week of clinical time, with 1 half-day for academic/scholarly activities
Recruitment/Retention Issues Productivity Metrics (Continued) We have to bring in dollars to support the Department, with limited and static academic/teaching support We have lost some recruits due to our level of clinical demand (not enough teaching/academic time) I meet with the faculty individually to go over scholarly productivity, measuring against the goals set the prior year Teaching metrics are minimal (student/resident evaluations) There is no RVU system incorporating teaching into productivity, except that productivity targets are adjusted to reflect teaching time
Recruitment/Retention Issues Promotion/Leadership Opportunities Small Department and Division I have mentored the new training director (Elise Fallucco) Dr. Fallucco and I are mentoring the other faculty in research/scholarly work Each of them have a research area with active projects Morale and enthusiasm for scholarly work is high, and I think adds to retention
Recruitment/Retention Issues Administrative Support We have a ratio of number of clinical positions and administrative support provided by the corporation Administrative support is adequate The Dean at times provides research assistant support for faculty with a high likelihood of future grant support Mid-levels provide clinical support, and their productivity goes under the faculty supervising the clinic
Recruitment/Retention Issues Other Considerations We have never used a recruiting firm due to cost Though in some circumstances the Dean may approve I have had a more difficult time recruiting mid-career psychiatrists: Research support needs, infrastructure Small, cohesive program, supportive culture Residency program also highly cohesive and happy Developing new Child Fellowship Recruiting from within is just now possible