The Breastplate of Righteousness Ephesians 6:14
The Breastplate Symbolizes Christ’s Righteousness When Jesus gave His life for us, 2 major things happened: He took our sin upon Himself He gave us His righteousness When God looks at us, he sees the righteousness of Christ – This is called “Positional Righteousness”
The Breastplate Symbolizes the Christian’s Righteousness Sanctification: Becoming in practice what you already are in position Christ has imputed His righteousness to us; it’s our responsibility to live every day in light of who we are (I Jn. 3:10, Rev. 22:11, I Tim. 6:11) We are to “Put On” Righteousness (Eph. 4:24)
The Breastplate Symbolizes Consistent Righteousness We must “continually” put on the breastplate of righteousness Righteousness is not a one day a week luxury; it is a 7 days a week necessity
The Breastplate Symbolizes Controlled Righteousness We are to make a habit out of living righteously The breastplate of righteousness is worn to protect the heart Where your heart is dictates your lifestyle and sets your priorities You can’t ever give anything to God that He doesn’t replace with something better