CLEAR Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results A Multilateral Initiative February, 2010
The Supply of Relevant Evaluation Capacity Development Services is Inadequate Current supply mostly limited to: Formal training Short-term programs Expensive international programs Some M&E and RBM network initiatives in regions, but need for more in-country and regional support Demand for: In-service and applied programs tailored to specific needs Cost-effective options for diverse audiences parliaments, public sector agencies, civil society, program managers Range of training and knowledge-sharing modalities Training of trainers
Overview of CLEAR One center (or a consortium of centers) each in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and South Asia selected on a competitive basis One center already established in East Asia (AFDC) Possible expansion within regions in later years The centers will be housed within existing institutions, selected on a competitive basis. AFDC (Asia-pacific Finance and Development Center): CLEAR Center in Asia Building on cooperation among several partners (Chinese Ministry of Finance, ADB, and IEG) for three years (2007 thru 2009) Shanghai International Program for Development Evaluation Training (SHIPDET) Chinese and International Versions Trained over 300 participants, Chinese and East Asian Demand-based capacity building : Two training workshops for the Ministry of Finance and National Development and Reform Commission Province-based training for finance bureau officials Supporting a number of agencies Ministry of Education The State Council Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development, National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation, Etc. Going forward… Enhance institutional capacity building in China and other Asian developing economies Build development evaluation systems that are adaptable to local situations in Asian developing countries Establish an effective network of development evaluation practitioners Promote knowledge and experience sharing in development evaluation Promote south-north and south-south learning in development evaluation
Program Components Multi-regional (small) Regional (big) Learning events for selected centers, based on needs Peer-to-peer learning among centers Technical assistance on centers’ work program Regional (big) Centers develop own work-program, responding to the regional demand and needs Training Knowledge Services (e.g., research, support to networks) Advisory Services (e.g., engagement in evaluations, technical assistance for government agencies and international organizations) Multi-regional activities organized by centers themselves (e.g., exchange of experiences on SHIPDET) Coordination with other initiatives (e.g., 3IE, statistical capacity building) *Multi-regional. Implemented by the Secretariat. Includes: Global events Will enable the centers, governments and other stakeholders to exchange for knowledge and learning across regions about their different approaches to developing and providing M&E services. *Regional. Implemented by the centers. Includes: Training: development and delivery of courses on different M&E and RBB topics, customized for different audiences, offered in various modalities of learning (including e-learning), and tailored to be offered individually or mainstreamed into degrees, diplomas, certificates or “training of trainers” programs Knowledge Services: evaluation research, organization of regional conferences, creation of websites for M&E networks; and engagement with communities of practice Advisory Services: engagement in evaluations and provision of customized advisory services for government agencies and international organizations They will provide services in results measurement and evaluation capacity building, through different modalities and with customization for a variety of stakeholders and audiences, including government decision-makers and civil society.
Program Funding Total of approximately $28 million for five years (cash and in-kind) $5.2 M (2009-2010) $1.75 M cash from donors in Trust Fund (SIDA, DfID, AfDB, ADB) $2 M expected/pledged (DfiD, IDB, IFAD) $1 M from Bank units (IEG and regional units) In-kind contributions from institutions/host governments/donors (once centers are selected) Income from M&E services (generated by centers in later years) (once centers are selected) Take in-depth stock after five years to assess continuation and enhance self-sustainability
Implementation Plan Through December 2010 Stages Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Centers' selection and preparation Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) Invitation to shortlisted centers to provide full proposals Selection of centers Preparation of common curriculum materials Roll out of centers’ programs and global component Establishment of larger Board and Regional Advisory Committees Centers start operations Technical assistance to strengthen centers First global learning event Establishment of monitoring, evaluation and supervision system The competitive selection process is a two-phased approach: 1) Call for Expressions of Interest (Feb 22-Mar 16): Public advertisement inviting institutions to a prequalification process. Qualifying institutions will be shortlisted (Mar 30) and invited to provide full proposals. Criteria will include: Governance (Legally established, standards for financial reporting, procurement, etc.) Capacity - Technical and Organizational (M&E, PM, RBB, training, ‘training of trainers’, technical assistance) Regional Capacity (Location, main language and accessibility, Facilities and capacities, partnerships, regional experience, connection to regional stakeholders Financial Stability 2) Invitation to provide full proposals (Apr 1-June 30). Institutions will provide technical proposals and business plans, including information on: Links with demand Public Sector Support (political and monetary) Proposed work program: A five-year plan of activities , with specific rationale for the activities. Financial Planning (Annual budget and business plan. Detailed for the first two years; projected for the next three) Marketing strategy both nationally and regionally Staffing and Program Management Common curriculum materials will include: Course on Management and Organizational Skills (for the centers) Course on Impact evaluation (training of trainers, with regional examples) Course on Performance Budgeting (training of trainers, with examples) Course on Rapid Evaluations (training of trainers, with practical examples from different countries) Technical Assistance to strengthen centers: The centers will receive support from the secretariat and experts to enable them to start providing services - First global learning event: Will include capacity building activities for the centers, peer learning and networking.
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