SksMinus status 08 HB meeting 2008/7/10 白鳥昂太郎.


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Presentation transcript:

SksMinus status 08 HB meeting 2008/7/10 白鳥昂太郎

Contents SAC : size, number of radiator BAC : size, number of radiator


Beam profile : FF + 600 mm x y Simulation with Gaussian distribution sx ~26.0 mm sy ~4.0 mm s(dx/dz) ~20 mrad (1.1°) s(dy/dz) ~2 mrad (0.1°)

Geometry and condition 250 mm target : Helium Target cell space : SAC position + 40 mm 100 mm target : Others Hits : Require drift chamber and STOF hits Reaction 4He(K-, p-), q~20° Uniform 1.4 GeV/c p beam, q~30°

Particle distributions at SAC entrance : 4He 250 mm X : SAC1 ~220 mm, SAC2 ~300 mm Y : SAC1 ~60 mm, SAC2 ~80 mm

Particle distributions at SAC entrance : 1.4 GeV/c uniform, 250 mm X : SAC1 ~220 mm, SAC2 ~300 mm Y : SAC1 ~60 mm, SAC2 ~80 mm

Particle distributions at SAC entrance : 4Li 100 mm X : SAC1 ~180 mm, SAC2 ~200 mm Y : SAC1 ~40 mm, SAC2 ~40 mm

Particle distributions at SAC entrance : 1.4 GeV/c uniform, 100 mm X : SAC1 ~180 mm, SAC2 ~200 mm Y : SAC1 ~40 mm, SAC2 ~40 mm

Summary SAC size : 250 mm target (100 mm target) SAC1 : 220 mm×60 mm (180 mm×40 mm ) SAC2 : 300 mm×80 mm (200 mm×40 mm ) SAC sizes are almost determined by the beam distribution at the target position. 110 mm×110 mm×10 mm ⇒ 20 @ 40 mm radiator (SAC1 : 2×4, SAC2 : 3×4)


Beam distributions at BAC entrance X : 160 mm (Hyperball-J entrance ~168 mm) Y : 30 mm

Summary BAC size 110 mm×110 mm×10 mm ⇒ 6 ⇒ 8 radiators ? ×3 ⇒ ×1 ×3 BAC1&2 : 160 mm×30 mm 110 mm×110 mm×10 mm ⇒ 6 ⇒ 8 radiators ? 110 165 ×3 55 55 ⇒ 110 55 ×1 ×3