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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Lesson 20
Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT compare thematic connections between a play and a poem. TSWBAT explore how figurative language in a poem connects to themes in the play. TSWBAT initiate and participate effectively in a range of text-based discussions. TSWBAT determine the nature of revenge as depicted in “A Poison Tree” and The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
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Let’s Express Our Understanding! Timed Write 15 minutes! Let’s Express Our Understanding!
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Gather your materials! Let’s Prepare!
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Lesson 20
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Let’s Prepare!
Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT compare thematic connections between a play and a poem. TSWBAT explore how figurative language in a poem connects to themes in the play. TSWBAT initiate and participate effectively in a range of text-based discussions. TSWBAT determine the nature of revenge as depicted in “A Poison Tree” and The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
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Discussion 15 minutes! 15 minutes! Let’s Discuss!
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Exit Ticket 3 minutes! Let’s Express Our Understanding!
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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Lesson 34
Let’s Prepare!
Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT learn about teen behavior by analyzing photographs and evaluating claims. TSWBAT develop and strengthen writing by revising and rewriting.
Gather your materials! Let’s Prepare! Chromebooks
Agree/Disagree 5 minutes! Let’s Read!
Let’s Read! 20 minutes! Photo Analysis Using your Chromebooks: two Using your Chromebooks: Log in to Google Classroom Click on the link provided Use an email address to enter the site—or you can enter mine: Locate your photos and complete the assignment.
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Revisions 7 minutes! Let’s Express Our Understanding!
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Revisions 5 minutes! Let’s Express Our Understanding! Prompt/Questions to Answer: In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, what is the relationship between the characters’ thoughts and actions? Are there ages a factor in their decision making? Why? What motivates Romeo and Juliet? What themes are emerging or are developed based on these factors?
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