Sponsors: Ms. Shelly Oakes MS. Anatolie Kovacevich RTMS Jr. Beta Club Sponsors: Ms. Shelly Oakes MS. Anatolie Kovacevich
Jr. Beta Edmodo group ktc7r8
Our 2018-2019 T-shirt Designed by our 2018-2019 Jr. Beta Officers!
What is Jr. Beta? The National Beta Club is the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. And for more than 80 years, it has prepared today's students to be tomorrow's leaders.
What do RTMS Jr. Betas do? We do not generally meet as a club. Students are expected to find volunteer service opportunities in their community. Jr. Betas provide leadership to their peers and support to those who need it in their school as well as their community. Sponsors will post volunteer opportunities when they are made aware of them. They will be posted on Edmodo. Often there are limited spots and these spots fill quickly. Jr. Beta members are expected to attend if signed up for an event. This is very important as we want to be sure we are asked for volunteers again and again! If possible, wear RTMS Jr. Beta shirt while volunteering.
Examples of Volunteer opportunities Non-Examples of Volunteer opportunities Animal Shelters/Adoption events Lessons/ Coaching Tutoring Serving in Places of Worship Festivals Fundraisers Assisting teachers Nursing Homes Saturday Schools Library Household chores Taking care of siblings Yardwork at home
Volunteer Service logs These are available on the RTMS Jr. Beta Website in the Forms/Documents Tab. The coordinator of the event should sign the log to verify the hours. Students must complete at least 10 hours/semester. SERVICE HOUR LOGS FOR 1ST SEMESTER WILL BE DUE DECEMBER 10th THRU 14TH.
Socials We will have two fun social gatherings this year; a fall social and a spring social. Our fall social is coming up on September 25th after school. Members must sign up to attend. The sign-up sheet link is on Edmodo and the RTMS Jr. Beta website.
Ga State Convention This trip is for Jr. Beta members, we typically do not have parents join us. We normally have two sponsors, a teacher chaperone and an administrator on the trip with us. Cost: $250/member. This includes hotel, charter bus transportation, convention registration fee, all meals and a t-shirt (if we enter a club shirt).
Ga State Convention Itinerary: Leave RTMS by 12:25 p.m. on Wednesday, November 28th. Go directly to Savannah International Convention Center to drop off items for judging. All meals will be had at Convention Center. Go to hotel around 10 p.m. Return to Convention Center on Thursday to participate in events and competition. Dance is on Thursday and we will not return to the hotel until around 11. Check out of hotel Friday morning, go to Convention Center for new State Officer installment and awards ceremony. Leave Convention Center around noon, lunch on way home and back to RTMS between 4 and 5 p.m.
Competitions See Convention Interest Form for list of Competitions. See Website for more details on each competition. Submit Interest Form online by Friday, October 16th by 4 p.m. This can be found on the Convention Page of the RTMS Jr. Beta Website. Once categories are assigned, students will be contacted with more details about their competition. Many competitions have a rubric for judging. These will be shared as well.